Republic of Uganda

Area: 241,040 sq. km. (93,070 sq. mi.); about
the size of Oregon.
Cities: Capital--Kampala
(2002 pop. 1.2 million). Other
cities--Jinja, Gulu, Mbale, Mbarara.
Terrain: 18% inland water and swamp; 12%
national parks, forest, and game reserves; 70%
forest, woodland, grassland.
Climate: In the northeast, semi-arid--rainfall
less than 50 cm. (20 in.); in southwest,
rainfall 130 cm. (50 in.) or more. Two dry
seasons: Dec.-Feb. and June-July.
Nationality: Noun
and adjective--Ugandan(s).
Population (2007): 30.9 million.
Annual growth rate (2004 est.): 4.0%.
Ethnic groups: African 99%, European, Asian,
Arab 1%.
Religions (2007): Christian 85%, Muslim 12%,
other 2%.
Languages: English (official); Luganda and
Swahili widely used; other Bantu and Nilotic
Education: Attendance (2000;
primary school enrollment, public and
private)--89%. Literacy (2003)--70%.
Health: Infant
mortality rate--86/1,000. Life
expectancy--45.3 yrs.
Type: Republic.
Constitution: Ratified July 12, 1995;
promulgated October 8, 1995.
Independence: October 9, 1962.
Branches: Executive--president,
vice president, prime minister, cabinet. Legislative--parliament. Judicial--Magistrate's
Court, High Court, Court of Appeals, Supreme
Administrative subdivisions: 80 districts.
Political parties: In 2006, approximately 33
parties were allowed to function, including
political parties that existed in 1986, when the
National Resistance Movement assumed power.
Suffrage: Universal adult.
National holiday: Independence Day, October 9.
GDP (nominal, 2006/2007): $10.8 billion.
Inflation rate (annual headline or CPI,
2006/2007): 7.6%.
Natural resources: Copper, cobalt, limestone,
phosphate, oil.
Agriculture: Cash
crops--coffee, tea, cotton, tobacco, sugar
cane, cut flowers, vanilla. Food
crops--bananas, corn, cassava, potatoes,
millet, pulses. Livestock
and fisheries--beef, goat meat, milk, Nile
perch, tilapia.
Industry: Processing of agricultural products
(cotton ginning, coffee curing), cement
production, light consumer goods, textiles.
Trade: Exports (2006/2007)--$1.5
billion: coffee, fish and fish products, tea,
electricity, horticultural products, vanilla,
cut flowers, remittances from abroad. Major
markets--EU, Kenya, South Africa, U.K., U.S. Imports (2006/2007)--$2.5
billion: capital equipment, vehicles, petroleum,
medical supplies, chemical, cereals. Major
suppliers--OPEC countries, Kenya, EU, India,
South Africa, China, U.S.
Fiscal year: July 1-June 30.
Africans of three main ethnic groups--Bantu,
Nilotic, and Nilo-Hamitic--constitute most of
the population. The Bantu are the most numerous
and include the Baganda, which, with 18% of the
population, constitute the largest single ethnic
group. Individual ethnic groups in the southwest
include the Banyankole and Bahima, 10%; the
Bakiga, 8%; the Banyarwanda, 6%; the Bunyoro,
3%; and the Batoro, 3%. Residents of the north,
largely Nilotic, include the Langi, 6%, and the
Acholi, 4%. In the northwest are the Lugbara,
4%, and the Karamojong, 2%, occupy the
considerably drier, largely pastoral territory
in the northeast. The Basoga, 8% and the Bagisu,
5% are among ethnic groups in the East.
Europeans, Asians, and Arabs make up about 1% of
the population with other groups accounting for
the remainder.
Uganda's population is predominately rural, and
its population density highest in the southern
regions. Until 1972, Asians constituted the
largest nonindigenous ethnic group in Uganda. In
that year, the Idi Amin regime expelled 50,000
Asians, who had been engaged in trade, industry,
and various professions. In the years since
Amin's overthrow in 1979, Asians have slowly
returned and now number around 30,000. Other
nonindigenous people in Uganda include Arabs,
Western missionaries, non-governmental
organization (NGO) workers, diplomats, and
business people.
When Arab traders moved inland from their
enclaves along the Indian Ocean coast of East
Africa and reached the interior of Uganda in the
1830s, they found several African kingdoms with
well-developed political institutions dating
back several centuries. These traders were
followed in the 1860s by British explorers
searching for the source of the Nile River.
Protestant missionaries entered the country in
1877, followed by Catholic missionaries in 1879.
In 1888, control of the emerging British "sphere
of interest" in East Africa was assigned by
royal charter to the Imperial British East
Africa Company, an arrangement strengthened in
1890 by an Anglo-German agreement confirming
British dominance over Kenya and Uganda. In
1894, the Kingdom of Buganda was placed under a
formal British protectorate.
Britain granted internal self-government to
Uganda in 1961, with the first elections held on
March 1, 1961. Benedicto Kiwanuka of the
Democratic Party became the first Chief
Minister. Uganda maintained its Commonwealth
membership. A second round of elections in April
1962 elected members to a new National Assembly.
Milton Obote, leader of the majority coalition
in the National Assembly, became prime minister
and led Uganda to formal independence on October
9, 1962.
In succeeding years, supporters of a centralized
state vied with those in favor of a loose
federation and a strong role for tribally-based
local kingdoms. Political maneuvering climaxed
in February 1966, when Prime Minister Milton
Obote suspended the constitution, assumed all
government powers, and removed the ceremonial
president and vice president. In September 1967,
a new constitution proclaimed Uganda a republic,
gave the president even greater powers, and
abolished the traditional kingdoms. On January
25, 1971, Obote's government was ousted in a
military coup led by armed forces commander Idi
Amin Dada. Amin declared himself president,
dissolved the parliament, and amended the
constitution to give himself absolute power.
Idi Amin's 8-year rule produced economic
decline, social disintegration, and massive
human rights violations. The Acholi and Langi
ethnic groups were particular objects of Amin's
political persecution because they had supported
Obote and made up a large part of the army. In
1978, the International Commission of Jurists
estimated that more than 100,000 Ugandans had
been murdered during Amin's reign of terror;
some authorities place the figure much higher.
In October 1978, Tanzanian armed forces repulsed
an incursion of Amin's troops into Tanzanian
territory. The Tanzanian force, backed by
Ugandan exiles, waged a war of liberation
against Amin's troops and Libyan soldiers sent
to help him. On April 11, 1979, Kampala was
captured, and Amin fled with his remaining
After Amin's removal, the Uganda National
Liberation Front formed an interim government
with Yusuf Lule as president. This government
adopted a ministerial system of administration
and created a quasi-parliamentary organ known as
the National Consultative Commission (NCC). The
NCC and the Lule cabinet reflected widely
differing political views. In June 1979,
following a dispute over the extent of
presidential powers, the NCC replaced Lule with
Godfrey Binaisa. In a continuing dispute over
the powers of the interim presidency, Binaisa
was removed in May 1980. Thereafter, Uganda was
ruled by a military commission chaired by Paulo
Muwanga. December 1980 elections returned the
UPC to power under the leadership of President
Obote, with Muwanga serving as vice president.
Under Obote, the security forces had one of the
world's worst human rights records. In their
efforts to stamp out an insurgency led by Yoweri
Museveni's National Resistance Army (NRA), they
laid waste to a substantial section of the
country, especially in the Luwero area north of
Obote ruled until July 27, 1985, when an army
brigade, composed mostly of ethnic Acholi troops
and commanded by Lt. Gen. Basilio Olara-Okello,
took Kampala and proclaimed a military
government. Obote fled to exile in Zambia. The
new regime, headed by former defense force
commander Gen. Tito Okello (no relation to Lt.
Gen. Olara-Okello), opened negotiations with
Museveni's insurgent forces and pledged to
improve respect for human rights, end tribal
rivalry, and conduct free and fair elections. In
the meantime, massive human rights violations
continued as the Okello government murdered
civilians and ravaged the countryside in order
to destroy the NRA's support.
Negotiations between the Okello government and
the NRA were conducted in Nairobi in the fall of
1985, with Kenyan President Daniel Moi seeking a
cease-fire and a coalition government in Uganda.
Although agreeing in late 1985 to a cease-fire,
the NRA continued fighting, seized Kampala in
late January 1986, and assumed control of the
country, forcing Okello to flee north into
Sudan. Museveni's forces organized a government
with Museveni as president and dominated by the
political grouping called the National
Resistance Movement (NRM or the "Movement").
A referendum was held in March 2000 on whether
Uganda should retain the Movement system, with
limited operation of political parties, or adopt
multi-party politics. Although 70% of voters
endorsed retention of the Movement system, the
referendum was widely criticized for low voter
turnout and unfair restrictions on Movement
opponents. Museveni was reelected to a second
five-year term in March 2001. Parliamentary
elections were held in June 2001, and more than
50% of contested seats were won by newcomers.
Movement supporters nevertheless remained in
firm control of the legislative branch.
Observers believed that the 2001 presidential
and parliamentary elections generally reflected
the will of the electorate; however, both were
marred by serious irregularities, particularly
in the period leading up to the elections, such
as restrictions on political party activities,
incidents of violence, voter intimidation, and
A Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) issued
a report proposing comprehensive constitutional
change in December 2003. The government,
however, took issue with many CRC
recommendations and made counter-proposals in
September 2004. A July 2005 national referendum
resulted in the adoption of a multiparty system
of government and the subsequent inclusion of
opposition parties in elections and government.
In February 2006, the country held its first
multiparty general elections since President
Museveni came to power in 1986. The election
generally reflected the will of the people,
although serious irregularities occurred. Ruling
NRM candidate President Museveni was declared
the winner with 59.26% of the vote, giving him a
third term in office following the passage of a
controversial amendment in June 2005 to
eliminate presidential term limits. Opposition
FDC leader Kizza Besigye captured 37.39% of the
vote, while the remaining contestants received
less than 2% of the vote each, according to
official figures from the Electoral Commission.
The 1995 constitution established Uganda as a
republic with an executive, legislative, and
judicial branch. The constitution provides for
an executive president, to be elected every 5
years. President Yoweri Museveni, in power since
1986, was elected in 1996 and reelected in 2001
and 2006. Legislative responsibility is vested
in the parliament; legislative elections were
last held February 2006. There are currently 102
women representatives in the 332-member
parliament. The Ugandan judiciary operates as an
independent branch of government and consists of
magistrate's courts, high courts, courts of
appeals, and the Supreme Court. Parliament and
the judiciary have significant amounts of
independence and wield significant power.
Principal Government Officials
President and Commander in Chief--Yoweri Kaguta
Vice President--Dr. Gilbert Bukenya
Prime Minister--Apollo Nsibambi
Foreign Minister--Sam Kutesa
Minister of Defense--Crispus Kiyonga
Ambassador to the United States--Perezi K.
Uganda maintains an embassy in
the United States at 5909 16th Street NW,
Washington, DC 20011 (tel. 202-726-7100).
Since assuming power, Museveni and his
government have largely put an end to the human
rights abuses of earlier governments, initiated
substantial economic liberalization and general
press freedom, and instituted economic reforms
in accord with the International Monetary Fund
(IMF), World Bank, and donor governments.
The vicious and cult-like Lord's Resistance Army
(LRA), which seeks to overthrow the Ugandan
Government, has murdered and kidnapped civilians
in the north and east since 1986. Although the
LRA does not threaten the stability of the
government, LRA violence at one time displaced
up to 1.7 million people, creating a
humanitarian catastrophe, particularly when they
were forced into internally displaced persons
(IDP) camps for their own protection. The Uganda
Peoples Defense Force (UPDF) launched "Operation
Iron Fist" against LRA rebels in northern Uganda
in 2002 and conducted operations against LRA
sanctuaries in southern Sudan with the
permission of the Sudanese Government. The
Sudanese Government had previously supported the
There have been significant new developments in
this conflict since January 2006. With the
signing of the Sudanese "Comprehensive Peace
Agreement," the Government of Southern Sudan
(GOSS) was created. To protect this fragile
peace from LRA incursions in southern Sudan,
Riek Machar, GOSS Vice President, launched
efforts to broker a peace agreement between the
Government of Uganda and the LRA in July 2006.
The peace process is ongoing. Many northern
Ugandans are leaving the IDP camps and returning
to their villages.
In 1998, Uganda deployed a sizable military
force to eastern Democratic Republic of the
Congo (D.R.C.), ostensibly to prevent attacks
from Ugandan rebel groups operating there. There
were widespread allegations that Ugandan
military and civilian officials were involved in
the illegal exploitation of D.R.C. natural
resources. After much international pressure,
Uganda withdrew its troops from D.R.C. in June
2003. Relations with the D.R.C., however,
continue to be frosty. When the LRA left
southern Sudan and relocated to eastern Congo in
September 2005, Museveni threatened to enter
D.R.C. and go after the LRA if neither Congo nor
the UN peacekeepers in the region would take
action. The recent peace talks have taken a lot
of steam out of those threats, however, and
Uganda seems focused on seeing the talks to
Uganda's economy has great potential. Endowed
with significant natural resources, including
ample fertile land, regular rainfall, and
mineral deposits, it appeared poised for rapid
economic growth and development at independence.
However, chronic political instability and
erratic economic management produced a record of
persistent economic decline that left Uganda
among the world's poorest and least-developed
Since assuming power in early 1986, Museveni's
government has taken important steps toward
economic rehabilitation. The country's
infrastructure--notably its transportation and
communications systems that were destroyed by
war and neglect--is being rebuilt. Recognizing
the need for increased external support, Uganda
negotiated a policy framework paper with the IMF
and the World Bank in 1987. It subsequently
began implementing economic policies designed to
restore price stability and sustainable balance
of payments, improve capacity utilization,
rehabilitate infrastructure, restore producer
incentives through proper price policies, and
improve resource mobilization and allocation in
the public sector. Uganda's macroeconomic
policies are sound and contributed to a 7%
growth rate in fiscal year 2006-2007, compared
to 5.1% in FY 2005-2006. Inflation, which ran at
240% in 1987 and 42% in June 1992, was 5.1% in
2003, but bounced up to 7.7% in 2007, well above
the government's annual target average of 5%, as
food prices rose.
Investment as a percentage of GDP was estimated
at 24% in 2006/2007 compared to 15.7% in
2002/2003. Private sector investment, largely
financed by private transfers from abroad, was
20% of GDP in 2006/2007. In the same year, gross
national savings as a percentage of GDP fell to
an estimated 12%, from 13% the previous fiscal
year. The Ugandan Government has worked with
donor countries to reschedule or cancel
substantial portions of the country's external
Agricultural products supply nearly all of
Uganda's foreign exchange earnings, with coffee
(of which Uganda is Africa's second leading
producer) accounting for about 19% and fish
15.5% of the country's exports in 2002. Exports
of non-traditional products, including apparel,
hides, skins, vanilla, vegetables, fruits, cut
flowers, and fish are growing, while traditional
exports such as cotton, tea, and tobacco
continue to be mainstays.
Most industry is related to agriculture. The
industrial sector is being rehabilitated to
resume production of building and construction
materials, such as cement, reinforcing rods,
corrugated roofing sheets, and paint.
Domestically produced consumer goods include
plastics, soap, cork, beer, and soft drinks.
Uganda has about 45,000 kilometers (28,000 mi.),
of roads, of which 10,000 (6,213 miles)
kilometers are main roads and 35,000 kilometers
(21,747 miles) are feeder roads. Only 3,000
kilometers (1,864 mi.) are paved, and most roads
radiate from Kampala. The country has about
1,350 kilometers (800 mi.) of rail lines, but
most of it is not currently in use. A railroad
originating at Mombasa on the Indian Ocean
connects with Tororo, where it branches westward
to Jinja, Kampala, and Kasese and northward to
Mbale, Soroti, Lira, Gulu, and Pakwach. Uganda's
important road and rail links to Mombasa serve
its transport needs and also those of its
neighbors--Rwanda, Burundi, and parts of Congo
and Sudan. An international airport is at
Entebbe on the shore of Lake Victoria, some 32
kilometers (20 mi.) south of Kampala.
The Ugandan Government generally seeks good
relations with other nations without reference
to ideological orientation. Relations with
Rwanda, Congo and Sudan have sometimes been
strained because of security concerns. President
Museveni has been active in attempts to
implement a peace agreement in Burundi and has
supported peace initiatives in Sudan and
In the past, neighbors were concerned about
Uganda's relationship with Libya, which had
supplied military equipment and bartered fuel to
Uganda. In addition to its friendly ties to
Western nations, Uganda has maintained ties with
North Korea. Uganda's has strained relations
with Sudan because of past Sudanese support for
the LRA. The LRA seeks to overthrow the Uganda
Government and has inflicted brutal violence on
the population in northern Uganda, including
rape, kidnapping, torture, and murder. In 2002
Uganda and Sudan reestablished diplomatic ties
and signed a protocol permitting the UPDF to
enter southern Sudan and engage the LRA. The
protocol must be renewed periodically.
Another rebel group operating in western Uganda
and eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo,
near the Rwenzori Mountains, the Allied
Democratic Forces (ADF), emerged as a localized
threat in 1996 and inflicted substantial
suffering on the population in the area. It has
largely been defeated by the UPDF and the
affected areas of western Uganda have been
secured. Remnants of the ADF remain in eastern
The Uganda Peoples Defense Force (UPDF)--previously
the National Resistance Army--constitutes the
armed forces of Uganda. Prior to 2000, U.S.
military forces participated with the UPDF in
training activities under the African Crisis
Response Initiative. U.S. military assistance
was terminated in 2000 as a result of the
Ugandan incursion into the D.R.C. Following the
June 2003 UPDF withdrawal of troops from the
D.R.C., the U.S. restarted limited nonlethal
military assistance.
Although U.S.-Ugandan relations were strained
during the rule of Idi Amin in the 1970s,
relations improved after Amin's fall. In
mid-1979, the United States reopened its embassy
in Kampala. Relations with successor governments
were cordial, although Obote and his
administration rejected strong U.S. criticism of
Uganda's human rights situation.
Bilateral relations between the United States
and Uganda have been good since Museveni assumed
power, and the United States has welcomed his
efforts to end human rights abuses and to pursue
economic reform. Uganda is a strong supporter of
the global war against terrorism. The United
States is helping Uganda achieve export-led
economic growth through the African Growth and
Opportunity Act and provides a significant
amount of development assistance. At the same
time, the United States is concerned about
continuing human rights problems and the pace of
progress toward the establishment of genuine
political pluralism.
U.S. development assistance in Uganda has the
overall goal of reducing mass poverty. Most U.S.
program assistance is focused in the areas of
health, education and agriculture. Both the U.S.
Agency for International Development (USAID)
and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
have major programs to fight the HIV/AIDS
pandemic. Other programs promote trade and
investment, curb environmental degradation,
encourage the peaceful resolution of local and
international conflicts, and promote honest and
open government. The United States also provides
large amounts of humanitarian assistance to
populations without access to adequate food
supplies because of conflict, drought and other
U.S. Peace
Corps Volunteers
are active in primary teacher training and
HIV/AIDS programs. The Department of State
carries out cultural exchange programs, brings
Fulbright lecturers and researchers to Uganda,
and sponsors U.S. study and tour programs for a
wide variety of officials from government,
non-governmental organizations and the private
sector. Through Ambassador's Self-Help Fund,
local groups in poor areas receive assistance
for small projects with a high level of
community involvement.
U.S.-Ugandan relations also benefit from
significant contributions to health care,
nutrition, education, and park systems from U.S.
missionaries, non-governmental organizations,
private universities, HIV/AIDS researchers, and
wildlife organizations. Expatriate Ugandans
living in the U.S. also promote stronger links
between the two countries.
Principal U.S. Officials
A. Browning
Deputy Chief of Mission--John Hoover
Public Affairs Officer--Lisa Heilbronn
Director, USAID--David Eckerson
The U.S.
Embassy in
Uganda is at 1577 Ggaba Road, Kampala; tel.
259791/2/3/5; fax: 259-794;
Northern Uganda Virtual Presence Post -