Republic of Uzbekistan

Area: 447,400 sq. km., slightly larger than
Major cities: Capital--Tashkent (pop. 2.5
million); Samarkand (600,000); Bukhara
Terrain: Flat-to-rolling sandy desert with
dunes; broad, flat, intensely irrigated river
valleys along Amu Darya, Syr Darya; shrinking
Aral Sea; semiarid grasslands surrounded by
mountainous Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan in east.
Climate: Mid-latitude desert; long, hot summers,
mild winters.
Nationality: Uzbek.
Population (July 2005 est.): 26,851,195.
Ethnic groups (1996 est.): Uzbek 80%, Russian
5.5%, Tajik 5%, Kazakh 3%, Karakalpak 2.5%,
Tatar 1.5%, other 2.5%.
Religions: Muslim 88% (Sunni), Eastern Orthodox
9%, other 3%.
Languages: Uzbek 74.3%, Russian 14.2%, Tajik
4.4%, other 7.1%.
Education: Literacy--97% (total
Health (2005 est.): Life expectancy--60.82
years men; 67.73 years women.
Work force (11.9 million): Agricultural and
forestry--44%, industry--20%;
Type: Republic.
Independence: September 1, 1991.
Constitution: December 8, 1992.
Branches: Executive--president, prime
minister, cabinet. Legislative--unicameral,
250-seat Supreme Assembly (Oliy Majlis).
Judiciary--Supreme Court, constitutional
court, economic court.
Administrative subdivisions (viloyatlar):
12, plus autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan
and city of Tashkent.
Political parties and leaders: Adolat (Justice)
Social Democratic Party--established February
18, 1995 in Tashkent, number of seats in
parliament 11, Turgunpulat DAMINOV, first
secretary; Democratic National Rebirth Party (Milly
Tiklanish Democratic Partiya) or MTP--established
on June 3, 1995 in Tashkent, number of seats in
parliament 10, Ibrohim GOFUROV, chairman;
Fatherland Progress Party (Vatan Tarakiyoti) or
VTP--In April 2000, VTP merged with the National
Democratic Party "Fidokorlar" (Fidokorlar Milliy
Democratic Partiya), in Tashkent, number of
seats in the parliament 62, Ahtam TURSUNOV,
first secretary; People's Democratic Party or
PDPU (Uzbekiston Halq Democratic Partiya,
formerly Communist Party)--established November
1, 1991 in Tashkent, number of seats in
parliament 50, Asliddin RUSTAMOV, first
secretary. Liberal Democratic Party of
Uzbekistan-- established December 3, 2003,
Kobiljon TOSHMATOV, chairman. Other political or
pressure groups and leaders: Birlik (Unity)
Movement--Abdurakhim PULATOV, chairman; Erk
(Freedom) Democratic Party--Mohammed SOLIH,
chairman (banned Dec. 1992); party of Agrarians
and Entrepreneurs of Uzbekistan--Marat ZAHIDOV,
chairman; Ozod Dekkon (Free Farmers) Party--Nigara
KHIDOYATOVA, general secretary; Human Rights
Society of Uzbekistan--Abdumannob PULATOV,
chairman; Independent Human Rights Society of
Uzbekistan--Mikhail ARDZINOV, chairman;
Ezgulik--Vasilya INOYATOVA, chairwoman.
Suffrage: Universal at age 18, unless imprisoned
or certified as insane.
Defense: Military manpower--males age
15-49 fit for military service: 5,635,099 (2003
est.); universal 18-month military service for
(Note: Due to the unreliable nature of
government statistics, it is difficult to make
an accurate estimate of economic growth in
GDP: Real GDP growth in 2004 was estimated at
Inflation: Approximately 50% in 2002, with a
150% average increase in prices of imported
goods and a slight depreciation in domestically
priced goods. In 2003, inflation was roughly
21.9%. The U.S. Embassy believes real wages were
stagnant during 2003. In 2004, inflation of
consumer prices dropped to 8%.
Per capita GDP: U.S. Government analysts believe
that per capita GDP was about $350 per capita in
2001, $310 in 2002, and $350 in 2003. In 2004,
GDP rose to $1,800 (purchasing power parity).
Natural resources: Natural gas, petroleum, gold,
coal, uranium, silver, copper, lead, zinc,
tungsten, molybdenum. Natural gas production for
2003 was 58.1 billion cubic meters (bcm); 53 bcm
was consumed in Uzbekistan and 5.9 bcm was
exported. Oil production in 2003 was 145,320
barrels/day and consumption was 151,720
Agriculture: Products--Cotton,
fourth-largest producer worldwide; vegetables,
fruits, grain, livestock.
Industry: Types--textiles, food
processing, machine building, metallurgy,
natural gas. The industrial production growth
rate was estimated at 6.2% in 2003; electricity
production was 48.6 billion kilowatt hours.
Budget: (2004 est.): Revenues--$2.46
billion; expenditures--$2.48 billion.
Trade: Total exports--(2004 est. $3.7
billion): largest contribution from cotton,
gold, natural gas, mineral fertilizers, ferrous
metals, textiles, food products, automobiles.
Major export markets--Russia 22%, China
9.2%, Ukraine 7.4%, Tajikistan 6.1%, Bangladesh
4.7%, Turkey 4.6%, Japan 4.3%, Kazakhstan 4.1%.
Total imports--(2004 est. $2.58
billion): machinery and equipment, chemicals,
metals, foodstuffs. Primary import partners--Russia
22.3%, United States 11.4%, South Korea 10.9%,
Germany 9.5%, China 6.5%, Turkey 6.1%.
External debt (2004 est.): $4.35 billion.
Uzbekistan is Central Asia's most populous
country. Its 25 million people, concentrated in
the south and east of the country, are nearly
half the region's total population. Uzbekistan
had been one of the poorest republics of the
Soviet Union; much of its population was engaged
in cotton farming in small rural communities.
The population continues to be heavily rural and
dependent on farming for its livelihood. Uzbek
is the predominant ethnic group. Other ethnic
groups include Russian 5.5%, Tajik 5%, Kazakh
3%, Karakalpak 2.5%, and Tatar 1.5%. The nation
is 88% Sunni Muslim and 9% Eastern Orthodox.
Uzbek is the official state language; however,
Russian is the de facto language for interethnic
communication, including much day-to-day
government and business use.
The educational system has achieved 97%
literacy, and the mean amount of schooling for
both men and women is 11 years. However, due to
budget constraints and other transitional
problems following the collapse of the Soviet
Union, texts and other school supplies, teaching
methods, curricula, and educational institutions
are outdated, inappropriate, and poorly kept.
Additionally, the proportion of school-aged
persons enrolled has been dropping. Although the
government is concerned about this, budgets
remain tight. Similarly, in health care, life
expectancy is long, but after the breakup of the
Soviet Union, health care resources have
declined, reducing health care quality,
accessibility, and efficiency.
Located in the heart of Central Asia between the
Amu Darya and Syr Darya Rivers, Uzbekistan has a
long and interesting heritage. The leading
cities of the famous Silk Road--Samarkand,
Bukhara, and Khiva--are located in Uzbekistan,
and many well-known conquerors passed through
the land. Alexander the Great stopped near
Samarkand on his way to India in 327 B.C. and
married Roxanna, daughter of a local chieftain.
Conquered by Muslim Arabs in the eight century
A.D., the indigenous Samanid dynasty established
an empire in the 9th century. Genghis Khan and
his Mongols overran its territory in 1220. In
the 1300s, Timur, known in the west as
Tamerlane, built an empire with its capital at
Samarkand. Uzbekistan's most noted tourist sites
date from the Timurid dynasty. Later, separate
Muslim city-states emerged with strong ties to
Persia. In 1865, Russia occupied Tashkent and by
the end of the 19th century, Russia had
conquered all of Central Asia. In 1876, the
Russians dissolved the Khanate of Kokand, while
allowing the Khanates of Khiva and Bukhara to
remain as direct protectorates. Russia placed
the rest of Central Asia under colonial
administration, and invested in the development
of Central Asia's infrastructure, promoting
cotton growing and encouraging settlement by
Russian colonists.
In 1924, following the establishment of
Soviet power, the Soviet Socialist Republic of
Uzbekistan was founded from the territories
including the Khanates of Bukhara and Khiva and
portions of the Fergana Valley that had
constituted the Khanate of Kokand. During the
Soviet era, Moscow used Uzbekistan for its
tremendous cotton growing and natural resource
potential. The extensive and inefficient
irrigation used to support the former has been
the main cause of shrinkage of the Aral Sea to
less than a third of its original volume, making
this one of the world's worst environmental
disasters. Uzbekistan declared independence on
September 1, 1991. Islam Karimov, former First
Secretary of the Communist Party, was elected
President in December 1991 with 88% of the vote;
however, the election was not viewed as free or
fair by foreign observers.
Constitutionally, the Government of Uzbekistan
provides for separation of powers, freedom of
speech, and representative government. In
reality, the executive holds almost all power.
The judiciary lacks independence and the
legislature, which meets only a few days each
year, has little power to shape laws. The
president selects and replaces provincial
governors. Under terms of a December 1995
referendum, Karimov's first term was extended.
Another national referendum was held January 27,
2002 to yet again extend Karimov's term. The
referendum passed and Karimov's term was
extended by act of the parliament to December
2007. Most international observers refused to
participate in the process and did not recognize
the results, dismissing them as not meeting
basic standards. The 2002 referendum also
included a plan to create a bicameral
parliament. Elections for the new bicameral
parliament took place on December 26, 2004, but
no truly independent opposition candidates or
parties were able to take part. The OSCE limited
observation mission concluded that the elections
fell significantly short of OSCE commitments and
other international standards for democratic
elections. Several political parties have been
formed with government approval but have yet to
show interest in advocating alternatives to
government policy. Similarly, although multiple
media outlets (radio, TV, newspaper) have been
established, these either remain under
government control or rarely broach political
topics. Independent political parties were
allowed to organize, recruit members, and hold
conventions and press conferences, but have been
denied registration under restrictive
registration procedures. Terrorist bombings were
carried out March 28-April 1, 2004 in Tashkent
and Bukhara. It is not clear yet who committed
the attacks, but Karimov assigned blame to
Islamic extremists. In May 2005, violence
erupted in the eastern city of Andijan. Mass
demonstrations against the jailing of local men
on charges of “Islamic extremism” escalated and
Uzbek troops responded to the protestors with
gunfire. The civilian death toll is believed to
be in the hundreds, though authorities dubiously
confirmed only 169 casualties, President Karimov
identified the protestors as Islamic militants
and fundamentalists who provoked the
government’s violent response. Karimov’s
opponents believed the conflict was a product of
the President’s ongoing policy to suppress all
forms of dissent in Uzbekistan.
Human Rights
Uzbekistan is not a democracy and does not have
a free press. Several prominent opponents of the
government have fled, and others have been
arrested. The government severely represses
those it suspects of Islamic extremism,
particularly those it suspects of membership in
the banned Party of Islamic Liberation (Hizb
ut-Tahrir). Some 5,300 to 5,800 suspected
extremists are incarcerated. This represents a
decline from previous years, as hundreds are
amnestied and fewer arrested. Prison conditions
remain very poor, particularly for those
convicted of extremist activities, and a number
of such prisoners are believed to have died over
the past several years from prison disease and
abuse. The police force and the intelligence
service use torture as a routine investigation
technique. No independent political parties have
been registered, although they were for the
first time able to conduct grass-roots
activities and to convene organizing congresses.
Following the visit of the UN Special Rapporteur
on Torture, the Government of Uzbekistan drafted
an Action Plan to implement the Special
Rapporteur' s recommendations. The government
has begun to enact a number of its provisions,
but its violent actions in May 2005 in Andijan
have been widely condemned by other nations and
human rights groups, along with its refusal to
conduct a formal investigation or to allow an
international inquiry of the turbulent events.
Principal Government Officials
President and Chairman of the Cabinet of
Ministers--Islam Karimov
Prime Minister--Shavkat Mirziyaev
Deputy Prime Ministers
Economics and Trade/Consumer Market Complex--Rustam
Communications/Informatization--Abdulla Aripov
Agriculture/Water Management--Sayfiddin Ismailov
Foreign Economic Relations and Foreign
Minister--Elyor Ganiev
Social Issues--Rustam Kosimov
Transportation and Construction--Abdukahhor
Women's Issues--Svetlana Imanova
Key Ministers
Defense--Kodir Ghulomov
Internal Affairs--Zokirjon Almatov
Justice--Buritosh Mustafaev
Public Education--Risboy Jorayev
Emergency Situations--Bakhtiyor Subanov
Finance--Saidakhmad Rakhimov
Culture--Alisher Azizkhodjaev
Health--Feruz Nazirov
Higher and Specialized Secondary Education--Turobjon
Labor and Social Protection--Okiljon Obidov
Other Key Officials
Chairman, National Bank-Foreign Economics--Zainutdin
Chairman, State Bank--Fayzulla Mullajanov
Chairman, State Committee on Statistics--Gofurjon
Chairman, State Property--Mahmudjon Askarov
Chairman, State Committee for Customs--Bakhodir
Chairman, State Committee for Taxation--Botir
Chairman, State Committee for Geology and
Mineral--Nurmahammad Akhmedov
Chairman, National Security Service--Rustam
Chairman, committee on Protection of State
Border--Gafurjon Tishaev
Secretary, National Security Council--Gairat
Ambassador to the United States--Abdulaziz
Designate Ambassador to the United
Nations--Alisher Vohidov
The Republic of Uzbekistan maintains an
at 1746 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC
20036. Tel.: (202) 887-5300; fax (202) 293-6804.
Its consulate and mission to the UN in New York
are located at 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite
326/327a, New York, NY 10017. Consulate tel.:
(212) 754-7403; fax: (212) 486-7998.
The economy is based primarily on agriculture
and agricultural processing; Uzbekistan is a
major producer and exporter of cotton. It also
is a major producer of gold with the largest
open-pit gold mine in the world and has
substantial deposits of copper, strategic
minerals, gas, and oil. Since independence, the
government has stated that it is committed to a
gradual transition to a free market economy but
has been extremely cautious in moving to a
market-based economy.
Although it is difficult to make an accurate
estimate of economic growth in
Uzbekistan--because of the unreliable nature of
government statistics, which often serve
political rather than economic ends--economic
growth is far below potential due to:
- the country's poor investment climate;
- failure to attract foreign investment;
- an extremely restrictive trade regime,
implemented in order to meet a strategy of
limiting imports of consumer goods;
- failure to reform the agricultural
sector of the economy, potentially the
engine of economic growth for this largely
rural economy; and
- the price system in Uzbekistan, which is
not functioning properly due to government
intervention in markets.
The government accepted obligations under
Article VIII of the International Monetary Fund
(IMF) Articles of Agreement on October 15, 2003,
establishing full current account
convertibility. The government’s restrictive
trade regime has crippled the economy and the
government urgently needs to rescind its
draconian trade measures. Substantial structural
reform is needed, particularly in the area of
improving the investment climate for foreign
investors and in freeing the agricultural sector
from smothering state control. Continuing
restrictions on currency convertibility and
other government measures to control economic
activity, including the implementation of severe
import restrictions and partial closure of
Uzbekistan's borders with Kazakhstan and
Kyrgyzstan, have constrained economic growth and
led international lending organizations to
suspend or scale back credits. The closure of
the borders with neighboring Kazakhstan and
Kyrgyzstan in 2002 almost paralyzed Uzbekistan’s
consumer market, although some goods are still
being smuggled into the country.
The government has made progress in reducing
inflation and the budget deficit, but government
statistics understate both, while overstating
economic growth. There are no reliable
statistics on unemployment, which is believed to
be high and growing.
GDP and Employment
The government claims that the GDP rose 4.1% in
2003; however, the U.S Government does not think
it was greater than 0.3%. Unemployment and
underemployment are very high, but reliable
figures are difficult to obtain, as no recent
credible surveying has been done.
Underemployment in the agricultural sector is
particularly high--which is important given the
fact that 60% of the population is rural-based.
Many observers believe that employment growth
and real wage growth have been stagnant, given
virtually no growth in output.
Literacy in Uzbekistan is almost universal, and
workers are generally well-educated and
well-trained. However, worsening corruption in
the country's education system in the past few
years has begun to erode Uzbekistan's advantage
in terms of its human capital, as grades and
degrees are routinely purchased. Most local
technical and managerial training does not meet
international business standards, but foreign
companies engaged in production report that
locally hired workers learn quickly and work
effectively. Foreign firms generally find that
younger workers, untainted by the Soviet system,
work well at all levels. The government
emphasizes foreign education and each year sends
about 50 students to the United States, Europe,
and Japan for university degrees, after which
they have a commitment to work for the
government for 5 years. Reportedly, about 60% of
the students who study abroad find employment
with foreign companies on their return, despite
their 5-year commitment to work in the
government. Some American companies offer
special training programs in the United States
to their local employees. In addition,
Uzbekistan subsidizes studies for students at
Westminster University--the only Western-style
institution in Uzbekistan. In 2003, Westminster
admitted about 360 students and the government
funded about half of the students’ education.
Education at Westminster costs $4,800 per
academic year.
With the closure or downsizing of many
foreign firms, it is relatively easy to find
qualified, well-trained employees, and salaries
are very low by Western standards. The
government has implemented salary caps in an
attempt to prevent firms from circumventing
restrictions on the withdrawal of cash from
banks. Some firms had tried in the past to evade
these limits on withdrawals by inflating
salaries of employees, allowing firms to
withdraw more money. These salary caps prevent
many foreign firms from paying their workers as
much as they would like. Labor market
regulations in Uzbekistan are similar to those
of the Soviet Union, with all rights guaranteed
but some rights unobserved. Unemployment is a
growing problem and the number of people looking
for jobs in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Southeast
Asia is increasing each year. According to
official Ministry of Labor estimates, around
100,000 citizens of Uzbekistan work abroad.
However, business analysts estimate that the
number of Uzbek citizens working abroad is far
higher. Estimates range from lows of 3 million
to highs of 5 million Uzbek citizens of working
age living outside Uzbekistan.
Prices and Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Inflation was approximately 21.9% in 2003. In
order to combat inflation, the government has
exercised strict currency controls and severe
shortages of cash exist in the country. From
1996 until the spring of 2003, the official and
so-called "commercial" exchange rates were
highly overvalued. Many businesses and
individuals were unable to buy dollars legally
at these rates, so a widespread black market
developed to meet hard currency demand. However,
by mid-2003, the gap between the black market,
official, and commercial rates had been reduced
to approximately 8%. In 2004, the gap between
the two rates was negligible. Although the
unification of the exchange rates was a positive
development, government restrictions in 2004 on
the amount of local currency and hard currency
that could be carried across the Uzbek border in
either direction lessened the effect of currency
convertibility on the Uzbek economy.
Liberalization of the trade regime, however, is
a prerequisite for Uzbekistan to proceed to an
IMF-financed program.
Outstanding external debt reached $4.6 billion
as of the end of 2003. Tax collection rates
remained high, due to the use of the banking
system by the government as a collection agency.
Technical assistance from the World Bank, Office
of Technical Assistance at the Treasury
Department, and from the UN Development Program
(UNDP) is being provided in reforming the
Central Bank and Ministry of Finance into
institutions that conduct market-oriented fiscal
and monetary policy.
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Agriculture and the agro-industrial sector
contribute more than 40% to Uzbekistan's GDP.
Cotton is Uzbekistan's dominant crop, accounting
for roughly 45% of the country's exports. Gold
is second at 22%. Uzbekistan also produces
significant amounts of silk, fruit, and
vegetables. Virtually all agriculture involves
heavy irrigation. Farmers and agricultural
workers have very low incomes because the
government uses the difference between the world
prices of cotton and wheat and what it pays the
farmers to subsidize highly inefficient
capital-intensive industrial concerns, such as
factories producing automobiles, airplanes, and
Consequently, agricultural productivity is
low, with many farmers focusing on producing
fruits and vegetables--for which supply and
demand determine the price--on small plots of
land, as well as smuggling cotton and wheat
across the border with Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan
in order to obtain higher prices.
Minerals and mining also are important to
Uzbekistan's economy. Gold is Uzbekistan's
second most important foreign exchange earner at
22%. Uzbekistan is the world's seventh-largest
producer, mining about 80 tons per annum, and
holds the fourth-largest reserves in the world.
Uzbekistan has an abundance of natural gas, used
both for domestic consumption and export; oil
almost sufficient for domestic needs; and
significant reserves of copper, lead, zinc,
tungsten, and uranium. Inefficiency in energy
use is extremely high, given the failure to use
realistic price signals to cause consumers to
conserve energy.
Trade and Investment
Uzbekistan has adopted a policy of import
substitution. The multiple exchange rate system
and the highly over-regulated trade regime have
led to both import and export declines since
1996, although imports have declined more than
exports, as the government squeezed imports to
maintain hard currency reserves. Draconian
tariffs and border closures imposed in the
summer and fall of 2002 led to massive decreases
in imports of both consumer products and capital
equipment. Uzbekistan's traditional "trade"
partners are New Independent States (NIS)
countries, notably Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan,
and the other Central Asian countries. Non-NIS
partners have been increasing in importance in
recent years, with the U.S., Korea, Germany,
Japan, and Turkey being the most active.
Uzbekistan is a member of the IMF, the World
Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the
European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development. It has observer status at the World
Trade Organization (WTO) and has publicly stated
its intention to accede to the WTO. It is a
member of the World Intellectual Property
Organization and is a signatory to the
Convention on Settlement of Investment Disputes
Between States and Nationals of Other States,
the Paris Convention on Industrial Property, the
Madrid Agreement on Trademarks Protection, and
the Patent Cooperation Treaty. In 2003,
Uzbekistan was again placed on the special "301"
Watch List for lack of intellectual copyright
Uzbekistan's previous lack of currency
convertibility was one of the reasons that
foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows dwindled
to a trickle. In fact, Uzbekistan has the lowest
level of FDI per capita in the Commonwealth of
Independent States (CIS). Since Uzbekistan's
independence, U.S. firms have invested roughly
$500 million in Uzbekistan. Large U.S. investors
include Newmont, reprocessing tailings from the
Muruntau gold mine; Case Corporation,
manufacturing and servicing cotton harvesters
and tractors; Coca Cola, with bottling plants in
Tashkent, Namangan and Samarkand; Texaco,
producing lubricants for sale in the Uzbek
market; and Baker Hughes, in oil and gas
development. No large new investments have taken
place from the U.S. in the last 5 years.
Uzbekistan possesses the largest and most
competent military forces in the Central Asian
region, having around 65,000 people in uniform.
Its structure is inherited from the Soviet armed
forces, although it is moving rapidly toward a
fully restructured organization, which will
eventually be built around light and Special
Forces. The Uzbek Armed Forces' equipment is not
modern, and training, while improving, is
neither uniform nor adequate yet for its new
mission of territorial security. The government
has accepted the arms control obligations of the
former Soviet Union, acceded to the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty (as a non-nuclear
state), and has supported an active program by
the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)
in western Uzbekistan (Nukus and Vozrozhdeniye
Island). The Government of Uzbekistan spends
about 3.7% of GDP on the military but has
received a growing infusion of Foreign Military
Financing (FMF) and other security assistance
funds since 1998. Uzbekistan approved U.S.
Central Command's request for access to a vital
military air base in southern Uzbekistan
following the September 11, 2001 terrorist
attacks in the U.S.
Uzbekistan joined the Commonwealth of
Independent States in December 1991. However, it
is opposed to reintegration and withdrew from
the CIS collective security arrangement in 1999.
Since that time, Uzbekistan has participated in
the CIS peacekeeping force in Tajikistan and in
UN-organized groups to help resolve the Tajik
and Afghan conflicts, both of which it sees as
posing threats to its own stability. Uzbekistan
is an active supporter of U.S. efforts against
worldwide terrorism and joined the coalitions
that have dealt with both Afghanistan and Iraq.
It is a member of the United Nations, the
Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, Partnership
for Peace, and the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). It belongs to the
Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) and
the Economic Cooperation Organization--comprised
of the five Central Asian countries, Azerbaijan,
Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. In
1999, Uzbekistan joined the GUAM alliance
(Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova),
which was formed in 1997 (making it GUUAM).
Uzbekistan is also a member of the Shanghai
Cooperation Organization (SCO) and hosts the
SCO’s Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS)
in Tashkent. Uzbekistan also joined the new
Central Asian Cooperation Organization (CACO) in
2002. The CACO consists of Uzbekistan,
Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. It is a
founding member of and remains involved in the
Central Asian Union, formed with Kazakhstan and
Kyrgyzstan, joined in March 1998 by Tajikistan.
The U.S. recognized the independence of
Uzbekistan on December 25, 1991, and opened an
Embassy in Tashkent in March 1992. U.S.-Uzbek
relations have flourished in recent years but
have become strained over the Uzbek’s actions in
Andijan in 2005. Relations were boosted by the
March 2002 meeting between President Bush and
President Karimov in Washington, DC, where the
two countries signed the Declaration of
Strategic Partnership. High-level visits to
Uzbekistan have increased since September 11,
2001, including that of the U.S. Secretary of
Defense Donald Rumsfeld, U.S. Secretary of State
Colin Powell, and numerous congressional
delegations. The U.S. believes that the
development of an independent, stable,
prosperous, and democratic Central Asia is vital
for the inhabitants of Central Asia and the
entire world. As the most populous country in
Central Asia and the geographic and strategic
center of Central Asia, Uzbekistan plays a
pivotal role in the region. The United States
accordingly has developed a broad relationship
covering political, human rights, military,
nonproliferation, economic, trade, assistance,
and related issues.
The U.S. has consulted closely with
Uzbekistan on regional security problems, and
Uzbekistan has been a close ally of the United
States at the United Nations. Uzbekistan has
been a strong partner of the United States on
foreign policy and security issues ranging from
Iraq to Cuba, and nuclear proliferation to
narcotics trafficking. It has sought active
participation in Western security initiatives
under the Partnership for Peace, OSCE, and the
Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council. Uzbekistan
views its American ties as balancing regional
influences, helping Uzbekistan assert its own
regional role, and encouraging foreign
investment. Uzbekistan is a strong supporter of
U.S. military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq
and of the global war against terror.
The tumultuous events in Andijan in 2005 and
the subsequent U.S. condemnation of President
Karimov’s actions render the future relationship
between the nations uncertain. In June 2005,
Karimov refused U.S. demands for a formal
investigation of the Andijan massacre,
exacerbating the divide between the two nations.
To maintain strong relations, the United States
urges greater reform in Uzbekistan to promote
long-term stability and prosperity. Registration
of independent political parties and human
rights non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
would be an important step. The government
registered the Independent Human Rights
Organization of Uzbekistan in March 2002. One
year later, in March 2003, the government
registered a second human rights organization,
Ezgulik. Enforcement of constitutional
safeguards ensuring personal, religious, and
press freedom and civil liberties also is
Bilateral Economic Relations
Trade and investment. Trade relations
are regulated by a bilateral trade agreement,
which entered into force January 14, 1994. It
provides for extension of most-favored-nation
trade status between the two countries. The U.S.
additionally granted Uzbekistan exemption from
many U.S. import tariffs under the Generalized
System of Preferences (GSP status) on August 17,
1994. A Bilateral Investment Treaty was signed
December 16, 1994; it has been ratified by
Uzbekistan and received advice and consent of
the U.S. Senate in October 2000. However, the
Bilateral Investment Treaty will be unlikely to
enter into force until Uzbekistan embarks on
economic reform. The government is taking some
modest steps to reduce the red tape that
constrains the nascent private sector.
Assistance. The United States has
provided significant humanitarian and technical
assistance to Uzbekistan. The U.S. has provided
technical support to Uzbekistan's efforts to
restructure its economy and to improve its
environment and health care system, provided
support to nascent NGOs, and provided equipment
to improve water availability and quality in the
Aral Sea region. Through the
U.S. Agency for International Development
(USAID) and the Embassy's Public Affairs
Section, the U.S. Government supports
educational and professional exchanges and other
programs that offer Uzbeks the opportunity to
study in the United States and to establish
professional contacts with their American
counterparts. In FY 2002 and 2003, the United
States provided roughly $219.8 and $87.4
million, respectively, in humanitarian aid,
technical assistance, military-to-military
funding, and microcredit support in Uzbekistan.
These programs were designed to promote market
reform and to establish a foundation for an
open, prosperous, democratic society.
USAID provides both technical and
humanitarian assistance. Technical assistance to
Uzbekistan promotes sound fiscal and management
policies, improved private business operations,
a competitive private sector, citizens'
participation in political and economic decision
making, improved sustainability of social
benefits and services, private investment in the
energy sector, reduced environmental risks to
public health, and other multi-sector reform
programs. Programs include business training,
subsidies for business development,
environmental education, and environmental
preservation programs. The latter includes the
Aral Sea/Regional Water Cooperation program
involving the Interstate Council for the
Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, and
the Republic of Uzbekistan, waste minimization
demonstration programs, and the National
Environmental Action Plan. The
USAID/CAR/Uzbekistan water program is aimed at
improving water management on both national and
local levels, concentrating efforts on
sustainable development of the water users’
associations (WUAs). The USAID/CAR/ Uzbekistan
health program focuses on 4 chief needs: primary
health care reform, infectious disease control,
drug demand reduction, and maternal and child
health/reproductive health (MCH/RH). The USAID
Participation and Education Knowledge
Strengthening Program (PEAKS) began in January
2003, focusing on 5 major aspects of the
education system: in-service teacher training,
school-based curriculum development, parent and
community involvement in the decision making,
management, and technical capacity at all levels
of the education system; and rehabilitation of
school infrastructure. In addition to PEAKS
pilot schools, more than 100 schools across
Uzbekistan received over 1,000 computers from
USAID, with more than half of these schools
obtaining Internet connections.
Peace Corps staff arrived in Uzbekistan in
August 1992, and a bilateral agreement to
establish Peace Corps in Uzbekistan was signed
November 4, 1992. The first volunteers arrived
in December 1992. The U.S. Trade and Development
Agency helps fund feasibility studies by U.S.
firms and provides other planning services
related to major projects in developing
countries including Uzbekistan. Department of
State-managed exchange programs,
farmer-to-farmer exchanges, and the Department
of Commerce's Special American Business
Internship Training Program (SABIT) contribute
to expansion of technical know-how and support
bilateral relations. The U.S. also provides
export finance/guarantees and political risk
insurance for U.S. exporters and investors
through the U.S. Export-Import Bank and the
Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC).
sheet on FY 2004 U.S. Assistance to
Principal U.S. Embassy Officials
R. Purnell
Secretary--Penny O’Brien
Deputy Chief of Mission--David E. Appleton
Political/Economic Officer--Sylvia Curran
Management Officer--Brent Bohne
Public Affairs Officer--Michael Reinert
DAO--LTC Todd Brown
USAID--Joanne Hale
Peace Corps--Edward Willett
U.S. Embassy in Tashkent is at 82
Chilanzarskaya; tel. [998] (71) 120-5450; fax:
[998] (71) 120-6335; duty officer (cellular):
[998] (71) 180-4060. The Foreign Commercial
Service, Public Affairs, and U.S. Agency for
International Development are at the Sharq
Building, 41 Buyuk Turon St. FCS tel.: [998]
(71) 120-6705 or 6706, 133-2880, 1870 or 0597;
fax: 120-6692. PA: [998] (71) 133-7096, 3581, or
5974; fax: 120-6224; duty officer (cellular):
180-4087. USAID tel.: [998] (71) 133-1852, 1797,
or 7656; fax: 120-6309. Peace Corps is at 2
Sapernaya St. 63/65; tel.: [998] (71) 54-92-96,
54-94-84, or 54-96-60; fax: 54-98-50; duty
officer (cellular): [998] (71) 180-4093.
Until March 1, 1999, a dual country/area code
system was in effect, allowing use of the former
country/area codes. For Tashkent, this was [7]
(3712) for six-digit numbers and [7] (371) for
seven-digit numbers.