Co-operative Republic of Guyana

Area: 214,970 sq. km. (82,980 sq. mi.); about
the size of Idaho
Cities: Capital--Georgetown (pop.
250,000). Other cities--Linden (29,000)
and New Amsterdam (18,000).
Terrain: Coastal plain, inland highlands, rain
forest, savanna.
Climate: Tropical.
Nationality: Noun and adjective--Guyanese
(sing. and pl.).
Population (last census 1991): 723,673; (2000
est.) 700,000.
Ethnic groups: East Indian origin 49%, African
origin 32%, mixed 12%, Amerindian 6%, White and
Chinese 1%.
Religions: Christian 57%, Hindu 33%, Muslim 9%,
other 1%.
Languages: English, Guyanese Creole, Amerindian
languages (primarily Carib and Arawak).
Education: Years compulsory--ages 5
1/2-14 1/2. Attendance--primary 78.6%,
secondary 80.5%. Literacy--96.5% of
adults who have attended school.
Health: Infant mortality rate--49/1,000.
Life expectancy--men 59 yrs., women 64 yrs.
Work force (278,000): Industry and commerce--36.4%;
agriculture--30.2%; services--30.2%;
Type: Republic within the Commonwealth.
Independence: May 26, 1966; Republic, February
23, 1970.
Constitution: 1980
Branches: Executive--president (chief of
state and head of government), prime minister.
Legislative--unicameral National Assembly
of 65 deputies. The ten administrative regions
of the country elect 25 members, 40 are elected
from party lists by proportion of the national
vote. Judicial--Judicial Court of Appeal,
High Court.
Subdivisions: 10 regions.
Political parties (voting seats in the National
Assembly): People’s Progressive Party/Civic
(PPP/C) 34; People’s National Congress (PNC) 27;
Guyana Action Party/Working People's Alliance
(GAP/WPA) 2; Rise Organize and Rebuild (ROAR) 1;
and The United Force (TUF) 1. Total seats: 65.
Elections held March 19, 2001.
Suffrage: Universal at 18.
Economy (2004)
GDP: $658 million.
Real annual growth rate: (2004) 1.9%.
Per capita GDP: $950.
Agriculture: Products--sugar, rice.
Natural resources: Gold, bauxite, diamonds,
timber, shrimp, fish.
Industry: Types--gold and bauxite
mining, rice milling, beverage, foodstuff
processing, apparel, footwear assembly.
Trade (2000): Exports--$505 million:
gold, sugar, bauxite, shrimp, rice, timber.
Major markets--U.S. (24.5%), U.K., CARICOM
countries, Canada. Imports--$585
million. Major suppliers--U.S. (37.7%),
U.K., Venezuela, CARICOM, Canada.
Guyana's population is made up of five main
ethnic groups--East Indian, African, Amerindian,
Chinese, and Portuguese. Ninety percent of the
inhabitants live on the narrow coastal plain,
where population density is more than 115
persons per square kilometer (380 per sq. mi.).
The population density for Guyana as a whole is
low--less than four persons per square
kilometer. Although the government has provided
free education from nursery school to the
university level since 1975, it has not
allocated sufficient funds to maintain the
standards of what had been considered the best
educational system in the region. Many school
buildings are in poor condition, there is a
shortage of text and exercise books, the number
of teachers has declined, and fees are being
charged at the university level for some courses
of study for the first time.
Before the arrival of Europeans, the region was
inhabited by both Carib and Arawak tribes, who
named it Guiana, which means land of many
waters. The Dutch settled in Guyana in the late
16th century, but their control ended when the
British became the de facto rulers in 1796. In
1815, the colonies of Essequibo, Demerara, and
Berbice were officially ceded to Great Britain
at the Congress of Vienna and, in 1831, were
consolidated as British Guiana. Following the
abolition of slavery in 1834, thousands of
indentured laborers were brought to Guyana to
replace the slaves on the sugarcane plantations,
primarily from India but also from Portugal and
China. The British stopped the practice in 1917.
Many of the Afro-Guyanese former slaves moved to
the towns and became the majority urban
population, whereas the Indo-Guyanese remained
predominantly rural. A scheme in 1862 to bring
black workers from the United States was
unsuccessful. The small Amerindian population
lives in the country's interior.
The people drawn from these diverse origins
have coexisted peacefully for the most part.
Slave revolts, such as the one in 1763 led by
Guyana's national hero, Cuffy, demonstrated the
desire for basic rights but also a willingness
to compromise. Politically inspired racial
disturbances between Indo-Guyanese and
Afro-Guyanese erupted in 1962-64, and again
following elections in 1997 and 2001. The
basically conservative and cooperative nature of
Guyanese society has usually contributed to a
cooling of racial tensions. Racial tensions,
however, do constitute Guyana’s greatest ongoing
social stress point.
Guyanese politics, nevertheless, occasionally
has been turbulent. The first modern political
party in Guyana was the People's Progressive
Party (PPP), established on January 1, 1950,
with Forbes Burnham, a British-educated
Afro-Guyanese, as chairman; Dr. Cheddi Jagan, a
U.S.-educated Indo-Guyanese, as second vice
chairman; and his American-born wife, Janet
Jagan, as secretary general. The PPP won 18 out
of 24 seats in the first popular elections
permitted by the colonial government in 1953,
and Dr. Jagan became leader of the house and
minister of agriculture in the colonial
government. Five months later, on October 9,
1953, the British suspended the constitution and
landed troops because, they said, the Jagans and
the PPP were planning to make Guyana a communist
state. These events led to a split in the PPP,
in which Burnham broke away and founded what
eventually became the People's National Congress
Elections were permitted again in 1957 and
1961, and Cheddi Jagan's PPP ticket won on both
occasions, with 48% of the vote in 1957 and 43%
in 1961. Cheddi Jagan became the first premier
of British Guiana, a position he held for 7
years. At a constitutional conference in London
in 1963, the U.K. Government agreed to grant
independence to the colony but only after
another election in which proportional
representation would be introduced for the first
time. It was widely believed that this system
would reduce the number of seats won by the PPP
and prevent it from obtaining a clear majority
in Parliament. The December 1964 elections gave
the PPP 46%, the PNC 41%, and the United Force (TUF),
a conservative party, 12%. TUF threw its votes
in the legislature to Forbes Burnham, who became
prime minister.
Guyana achieved independence in May 1966, and
became a republic on February 23, 1970--the
anniversary of the Cuffy slave rebellion. From
December 1964 until his death in August 1985,
Forbes Burnham ruled Guyana in an increasingly
autocratic manner, first as prime minister and
later, after the adoption of a new constitution
in 1980, as executive president. During that
time- frame, elections were viewed in Guyana and
abroad as fraudulent. Human rights and civil
liberties were suppressed, and two major
political assassinations occurred: the Jesuit
Priest and journalist Bernard Darke in July
1979, and the distinguished historian and WPA
Party leader Walter Rodney in June 1980. Agents
of President Burnham are widely believed to have
been responsible for both deaths.
Following Burnham's own death in 1985, Prime
Minister Hugh Desmond Hoyte acceded to the
presidency and was formally elected in the
December 1985 national elections. Hoyte
gradually reversed Burnham's policies, moving
from state socialism and one-party control to a
market economy and unrestricted freedom of the
press and assembly. On October 5, 1992, a new
National Assembly and regional councils were
elected in the first Guyanese election since
1964 to be internationally recognized as free
and fair. Cheddi Jagan was elected and sworn in
as president on October 9, 1992.
When President Jagan died in March 1997,
Prime Minister Samuel Hinds replaced him in
accordance with constitutional provisions.
President Jagan's widow, Janet Jagan, was
elected president in December 1997. She resigned
in August 1999 due to ill health and was
succeeded by Finance Minister Bharrat Jagdeo,
who had been named prime minister a day earlier.
National elections were held on March 19, 2001.
Incumbent President Jagdeo won reelection with a
voter turnout of over 90%.
Legislative power rests in a unicameral National
Assembly, with 40 members chosen on the basis of
proportional representation from national lists
named by the political parties. An additional 25
members are elected by regional administrative
districts. The president may dissolve the
assembly and call new elections at any time, but
no later than 5 years from its first sitting.
Executive authority is exercised by the
president, who appoints and supervises the prime
minister and other ministers. The president is
not directly elected; each party presenting a
slate of candidates for the assembly must
designate in advance a leader who will become
president if that party receives the largest
number of votes. Any dissolution of the assembly
and election of a new assembly can lead to a
change in the assembly majority and consequently
a change in the presidency. Most cabinet
ministers must be members of the National
Assembly; the constitution limits non-member
“technocrat” ministers to five. In practice,
most other ministers also are members.
Technocrat ministers serve as non-elected
members, which permits them to debate but not to
The highest judicial body is the Court of
Appeal, headed by a chancellor of the judiciary.
The second level is the High Court, presided
over by a chief justice. The chancellor and the
chief justice are appointed by the president.
For administrative purposes, Guyana is
divided into 10 regions, each headed by a
chairman who presides over a regional democratic
council. Local communities are administered by
village or city councils.
Principal Government Officials
Executive President--Bharrat Jagdeo
Prime Minister--Samuel A. Hinds
Foreign Minister--S.R. “Rudy” Insanally
Ambassador to the U.S. and OAS--Bayney
Permanent Representative to the UN--S.R.
"Rudy" Insanally
Guyana maintains an
embassy in
the United States at 2490 Tracy Place NW,
Washington, DC 20008 (tel. 202-265-6900).
Race and ideology have been the dominant
political influences in Guyana. Since the split
of the multiracial PPP in 1955, politics has
been based more on ethnicity than on ideology.
From 1964 to 1992, the PNC dominated Guyana's
politics. The PNC draws its support primarily
from urban Blacks, and for many years declared
itself a socialist party whose purpose was to
make Guyana a nonaligned socialist state, in
which the party, as in communist countries, was
above all other institutions.
The overwhelming majority of Guyanese of East
Indian extraction have traditionally backed the
People's Progressive Party. Rice farmers and
sugar workers in the rural areas form the bulk
of PPP's support, but Indo-Guyanese who dominate
the country's urban business community also have
provided important support.
Following independence, and with the help of
substantial foreign aid, social benefits were
provided to a broader section of the population,
specifically in health, education, housing, road
and bridge building, agriculture, and rural
development. During Forbes Burnham's last years,
however, the government's attempts to build a
socialist society caused a massive emigration of
skilled workers, and, along with other economic
factors, led to a significant decline in the
overall quality of life in Guyana.
After Burnham's death in 1985, President
Hoyte took steps to stem the economic decline,
including strengthening financial controls over
the parastatal corporations and supporting the
private sector. In August 1987, at a PNC
Congress, Hoyte announced that the PNC rejected
orthodox communism and the one-party state.
As the elections scheduled for 1990
approached, Hoyte, under increasing pressure
from inside and outside Guyana, gradually opened
the political system. After a visit to Guyana by
former U.S. President Jimmy Carter in 1990,
Hoyte made changes in the electoral rules,
appointed a new chairman of the Elections
Commission, and endorsed putting together new
voters' lists, thus delaying the election. The
elections, which finally took place in 1992,
were witnessed by 100 international observers,
including a group headed by Mr. Carter and
another from the Commonwealth of Nations. Both
groups issued reports saying that the elections
had been free and fair, despite violent attacks
on the Elections Commission building on election
day and other irregularities.
Cheddi Jagan served as Premier (1957-64) and
then minority leader in Parliament until his
election as President in 1992. One of the
Caribbean's most charismatic and famous leaders,
Jagan was a founder of the PPP, which led
Guyana's struggle for independence. Over the
years, he moderated his Marxist-Leninist
ideology. After his election as President, Jagan
demonstrated a commitment to democracy, followed
a pro-Western foreign policy, adopted free
market policies, and pursued sustainable
development for Guyana's environment.
Nonetheless, he continued to press for debt
relief and a new global human order in which
developed countries would increase assistance to
less developed nations. Jagan died on March 6,
1997, and was succeeded by Samuel A. Hinds, whom
he had appointed Prime Minister. President Hinds
then appointed Janet Jagan, widow of the late
President, to serve as Prime Minister.
In national elections on December 15, 1997,
Janet Jagan was elected President, and her PPP
party won a 55% majority of seats in Parliament.
She was sworn in on December 19. Mrs. Jagan is a
founding member of the PPP and was very active
in party politics. She was Guyana's first female
prime minister and vice president, two roles she
performed concurrently before being elected to
the presidency.
The PNC, which won just under 40% of the
vote, disputed the results of the 1997
elections, alleging electoral fraud. Public
demonstrations and some violence followed, until
a CARICOM team came to Georgetown to broker an
accord between the two parties, calling for an
international audit of the election results, a
redrafting of the constitution, and elections
under the constitution within 3 years. Elections
took place on March 19, 2001. More than 150
international observers representing six
international missions witnessed the polling.
The observers pronounced the elections fair and
open although marred by some administrative
problems. As in 1997, public demonstrations and
some violence followed the election, with the
opposition PNCR disputing the results. The
political disturbances following the election
partially overlapped and politicized a major
crime wave that gripped Guyana from the spring
of 2002 through May 2003. By summer 2003 the
worst of the crime wave had abated, and
agitation over the election had subsided. In the
spring of 2002, citing the failure of the PPP/C
government to fulfill agreements made through an
inter-party dialogue process, the PNC/R began a
boycott of Parliament. In December 2002 Desmond
Hoyte, former President and Leader of the
Opposition, died and was replaced by Robert
Corbin as chairman of the PNC/R and Leader of
the Opposition. Through the spring of 2003 the
leaders of the PPP/C and PNC/R worked to restart
the dialogue, resulting in the return to
Parliament of the PNC/R and a joint communiqué
in May 2003. The parties appeared to be on the
path to a “constructive engagement,” albeit with
some slippage of dates and commitments, until
late 2003. Since that time, a political
imbroglio and general lack of trust have
resulted in a return to political impasse
between the parties.
With a per capita gross domestic product of only
$950, Guyana is one of the poorest countries in
the Western Hemisphere. The economy made
dramatic progress after President Hoyte's 1989
economic recovery program (ERP). As a result of
the ERP, Guyana's GDP increased 6% in 1991
following 15 years of decline. Growth was
consistently above 6% until 1995 when it dipped
to 5.1%. The government reported that the
economy grew at a rate of 7.9% in 1996, 6.2% in
1997, and fell 1.3% in 1998. The 1999 growth
rate was 3%, which declined to 0.5% in 2000 and
Developed in conjunction with the World Bank
and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the
ERP significantly reduced the government's role
in the economy, encouraged foreign investment,
enabled the government to clear all its arrears
on loan repayments to foreign governments and
the multilateral banks, and brought about the
sale of 15 of the 41 government-owned (parastatal)
businesses. The telephone company and assets in
the timber, rice, and fishing industries also
were privatized. International corporations were
hired to manage the huge state sugar company,
GUYSUCO, and the largest state bauxite mine. An
American company was allowed to open a bauxite
mine, and two Canadian companies were permitted
to develop the largest open-pit gold mine in
Latin America.
Most price controls were removed, the laws
affecting mining and oil exploration were
improved, and an investment policy receptive to
foreign investment was announced. Tax reforms
designed to promote exports and agricultural
production in the private sector were enacted.
Agriculture and mining are Guyana's most
important economic activities, with sugar,
bauxite, rice, and gold accounting for 70%-75%
of export earnings. However, the rice sector
experienced a decline in 2000, with export
earnings down 27% through the third quarter
2000. Ocean shrimp exports, which were heavily
impacted by a 1-month import ban to the United
States in 1999, accounted for only 3.5% of total
export earnings that year. Shrimp exports
rebounded in 2000, representing 11% of export
earnings through the third quarter 2000. Other
exports include timber, diamonds, garments, rum,
and pharmaceuticals. The value of these other
exports is increasing.
From 1986 to 2002, Guyana received its entire
wheat supply from the United States on
concessional terms under a PL 480 Food for Peace
program. PL 480 wheat was eliminated for FY
2003, but was reinstituted for 2004. The
Guyanese currency generated by the sale of the
flour made from the wheat is used for purposes
agreed upon by the U.S. and Guyana Governments.
As with many developing countries, Guyana is
heavily indebted. Reduction of the debt burden
has been one of the present administration's top
priorities. In 1999, through the Paris Club
"Lyons terms" and the heavily indebted poor
countries initiative (HIPC) Guyana managed to
negotiate $256 million in debt forgiveness. It
did so again under the enhanced HIPC initiative
and subsequent Paris Club negotiations in early
2004, but the level of indebtedness has again
risen to over 200% of GDP.
Guyana's extremely high debt burden to
foreign creditors has meant limited availability
of foreign exchange and reduced capacity to
import necessary raw materials, spare parts, and
equipment, thereby further reducing production.
The increase in global fuel costs also
contributed to the country’s decline in
production and growing trade deficit. The
decline of production has increased
unemployment. Although no reliable statistics
exist, combined unemployment and underemployment
are estimated at about 30%.
Emigration, principally to the United States
and Canada, remains substantial. After years of
a state-dominated economy, the mechanisms for
private investment, domestic or foreign, are
still evolving. The shift from a
state-controlled economy to a primarily free
market system began under Desmond Hoyte and
continued under PPP/C governments. The current
PPP/C administration recognizes the need for
foreign investment to create jobs, enhance
technical capabilities, and generate goods for
The foreign exchange market was fully
liberalized in 1991, and currency is now freely
traded without restriction. The rate is subject
to change on a daily basis; the Guyana dollar
depreciated 17.6% from 1998 to 2000, but has
begun to stabilize since that time.
After independence in 1966, Guyana sought an
influential role in international affairs,
particularly among Third World and nonaligned
nations. It served twice on the UN Security
Council (1975-76 and 1982-83). Former Vice
President, Deputy Prime Minister, and Attorney
General Mohamed Shahabuddeen served a 9-year
term on the International Court of Justice
Guyana has diplomatic relations with a wide
range of nations. The European Union (EU), the
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the UN
Development Program (UNDP), the World Health
Organization (WHO), and the Organization of
American States (OAS) have offices in
Georgetown. The Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
has its Secretariat headquartered in Georgetown.
Guyana strongly supports the concept of
regional integration. It played an important
role in the founding of the Caribbean Community
and Common Market (CARICOM), but its status as
one of the organization's poorest members limits
its ability to exert leadership in regional
activities. Guyana has sought to keep foreign
policy in close alignment with the consensus of
CARICOM members, especially in voting in the UN,
OAS, and other international organizations. In
1993, Guyana ratified the 1988 Vienna Convention
on illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and
cooperates with U.S. law enforcement agencies on
counternarcotics efforts.
Two neighbors have longstanding territorial
disputes with Guyana. In 1962 Venezuela
challenged a previously accepted 1899
international arbitration award, and claimed all
of Guyana west of the Essequibo River--62% of
Guyana's territory. At a meeting in Geneva in
1966, the two countries agreed to receive
recommendations from a representative of the UN
Secretary General on ways to settle the dispute
peacefully. Diplomatic contacts between the two
countries and the Secretary General's
representative continue. Neighboring Suriname
also claims the territory east of Guyana's New
River, a largely uninhabited area of some 15,000
square kilometers (6,000 sq. mi.) in southeast
Guyana. Guyana and Suriname also dispute their
offshore maritime boundaries. This dispute
flared up in June 2000 in response to an effort
by a Canadian company to drill for oil under a
Guyanese concession. Guyana regards its legal
title to all of its territory as sound. In 2004,
Guyana took its maritime dispute with Suriname
to the Law of the Sea tribunal for arbitration.
The decision of the tribunal is still pending.
U.S. policy toward Guyana seeks to develop
robust, sustainable democratic institutions,
laws, and political practices; support economic
growth and development; and promote stability
and security. During the last years of his
administration, President Hoyte sought to
improve relations with the United States as part
of a decision to move his country toward genuine
political nonalignment. Relations also were
improved by Hoyte's efforts to respect human
rights, invite international observers for the
1992 elections, and reform electoral laws. The
United States also welcomed the Hoyte
government's economic reform and efforts, which
stimulated investment and growth. The 1992
democratic elections and Guyana's reaffirmation
of sound economic policies and respect for human
rights have placed U.S.-Guyanese relations on an
excellent footing. Under successive PPP
governments, the United States and Guyana
continued to improve relations. President Cheddi
Jagan was committed to democracy, adopted more
free market policies, and pursued sustainable
development for Guyana's environment. President
Jagdeo is continuing on that course, and United
States maintains positive relations with the
current government.
In an effort to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS
in Guyana, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) opened an office at the
U.S. Embassy in 2002. In January 2003, Guyana
was named as one of only two countries in the
Western Hemisphere to be included in President
Bush's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. CDC, in
coordination with the U.S. Agency for
International Development (USAID), is
administering over the next 5 years a
multi-million dollar program of education,
prevention, and treatment for those infected and
affected by the disease. Guyana is a threshold
country in the Millennium Challenge Account
developmental program.
U.S. military medical and engineering teams
continue to conduct training exercises in
Guyana, digging wells, building schools and
clinics, and providing medical treatment.
Principal U.S. Embassy Officials
W. Bullen
Deputy Chief of Mission--Michael D. Thomas
Political and Economic Affairs Officer--Benjamin
Chief, Consular Affairs--Sandra J. Ingram
Economic and Commercial Officer--Edward Luchessi
Peace Corps Director-- James Geenan
USAID Country Director--Dr. Fenton Sands
CDC Country Director--Dr. Douglas Lyon
Embassy in Guyana is located at the corner
of Duke and Young Streets, Georgetown (tel.
592-225-4900/9; fax: 592-225-8497).