Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Area: 803,943 sq. km. (310,527 sq. mi.); almost
twice the size of California.
Cities: Capital--The city of Islamabad
(pop. 800,000) and adjacent Rawalpindi (1,406,
214) comprise the national capital area with a
combined population of 3.7 million. Other
cities--Karachi (11,624,219) (2005 est.),
Lahore (6,310,888) (2005 est.), Faisalabad
(1,977,246) and Hyderabad (1,151,274).
Nationality: Noun and adjective--Pakistan(i).
Population (2005 est.): 162,419.946.
Annual growth rate (2005 est.): 2.03%.
Ethnic groups: Punjabi, Sindhi, Pushtun, Baloch,
Muhajir (i.e., Urdu-speaking immigrants from
India and their descendants), Saraiki, and
Religions: Muslim 97%; small minorities of
Christians, Hindus, and others.
Languages: Urdu (national and official),
English, Punjabi, Sindhi, Pushtu, Baloch, Hindko,
Brahui, Saraiki (Punjabi variant).
Education: Literacy (2003)--45.7%; male
59.8%; female 30.6%. Unofficial estimates are as
low as 35%.
Health: Infant mortality rate (2005
est.)--72.44/1,000. Life expectancy (2005
est.)--men 62.04 yrs., women 64.01 yrs.
Work force (2004): Agriculture--42%;
services--38%; industry--20%.
Type: Parliamentary democracy.
Independence: August 14, 1947.
Branches: Executive--president (chief of
state), prime minister (head of government).
Legislative--Bicameral Parliament or
Majlis-e-Shoora (100-seat Senate, 342-seat
National Assembly). Judicial--Supreme
Court, provincial high courts, Federal Islamic
(or Shari'a) Court.
Political parties: Pakistan Muslim League (PML),
Pakistan People's Party (PPP), Muttahid
Majlis-e-Amal (umbrella group) (MMA), Muttahida
Qaumi Movement (MQM), and Pakistan Muslim
League-Nawaz (PML-N).
Suffrage: Universal at 18.
Political subdivisions: 4 provinces; also the
Federally Administered Tribal Areas and the
Pakistani-administered portion of the disputed
Jammu and Kashmir region (Azad Kashmir and the
Northern Areas).
GDP (2004 est.): PPP $347.3 billion.
Real annual growth rate (2004): 6.1%.
Per capita GDP (2004): PPP $2,200.
Natural resources: Arable land, natural gas,
limited oil, substantial hydropower potential,
coal, iron ore, copper, salt, limestone.
Agriculture: Products--wheat, cotton,
rice, sugarcane, eggs, fruits, vegetables, milk,
beef, mutton.
Industry: Types--textiles & apparel, food
processing, pharmaceuticals, construction
materials, shrimp, fertilizer, and paper
Trade (2004): Exports--$15.07 billion:
textiles (garments, bed linen, cotton cloth, and
yarn), rice, leather goods, sports goods,
carpets, rugs, chemicals & manufactures.
Major partners--U.S. 21.3%, United Arab
Emirates 9.8%, U.K. 7.1%, Germany 5.2%, Hong
Kong 4.2%, Saudi Arabia 4.1%. Imports--$14.01
billion: petroleum, petroleum products,
machinery, plastics, paper and paper board,
transportation equipment, edible oils, pulses,
iron and steel, tea. Major partners--China
10.8%, U.S. 10.2%, United Arab Emirates 9.3%,
Saudi Arabia 9.0%, Japan 7.0%, Kuwait 5.3%,
Germany 4.2%.
The majority of Pakistan's population lives in
the Indus River valley and in an arc formed by
the cities of Faisalabad, Lahore,
Rawalpindi/Islamabad, and Peshawar. Although
Urdu is an official language of Pakistan, it is
spoken as a first language by only 8% of the
population; 48% speak Punjabi, 12% Sindhi, 10%
Saraiki, 8% Pushtu, 3% Baloch, and 3% other.
Urdu, Punjabi, Pushtu, and Baloch are
Indo-European languages. English is the other
official language, and is widely used in
government, the officer ranks of the military,
and in many institutions of higher learning.
Pakistan, along with parts of western India,
contains the archeological remains of an urban
civilization dating back 4,500 years. Alexander
the Great included the Indus Valley in his
empire in 326 B.C., and his successors founded
the Indo-Greek kingdom of Bactria based in what
is today Afghanistan and extending to Peshawar.
Following the rise of the Central Asian Kushan
Empire in later centuries, the Buddhist culture
of Afghanistan and Pakistan, centered on the
city of Taxila just west of Islamabad,
experienced a cultural renaissance known as the
Gandhara period.
Pakistan's Islamic history began with the
arrival of Muslim traders in the 8th century in
Sindh. The collapse of the Mughal Empire in the
18th century provided an opportunity to the
English East India Company to extend its control
over much of the subcontinent. The Sikh
adventurer Ranjit Singh carved out a dominion
that extended from Kabul to Srinagar and Lahore,
encompassing much of the northern area of modern
Pakistan. British rule replaced the Sikhs in the
first half of the 19th century. In a decision
that had far-reaching consequences, the British
permitted the Hindu Maharaja of Kashmir, a Sikh
appointee, to continue in power.
Pakistan emerged from an extended period of
agitation by Muslims in the subcontinent to
express their national identity free from
British colonial domination as well as
domination by what they perceived as a
Hindu-controlled Indian National Congress.
Muslim anti-colonial leaders formed the
All-India Muslim League in 1906. Initially, the
League adopted the same objective as the
Congress--self-government for India within the
British Empire--but Congress and the League were
unable to agree on a formula that would ensure
the protection of Muslim religious, economic,
and political rights.
Pakistan and Partition
The idea of a separate Muslim state emerged in
the 1930s. On March 23, 1940, Muhammad Ali
Jinnah, leader of the Muslim League, formally
endorsed the "Lahore Resolution," calling for
the creation of an independent state in regions
where Muslims constituted a majority. At the end
of World War II, the United Kingdom moved with
increasing urgency to grant India independence.
The Congress Party and the Muslim League,
however, could not agree on the terms for a
Constitution or establishing an interim
government. In June 1947, the British Government
declared that it would bestow full dominion
status upon two successor states--India and
Pakistan, formed from areas in the subcontinent
in which Muslims were the majority population.
Under this arrangement, the various princely
states could freely join either India or
Pakistan. Accordingly, on August 14, 1947
Pakistan, comprising West Pakistan with the
provinces of Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, and the
Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP), and East
Pakistan with the province of Bengal, became
independent. East Pakistan later became the
independent nation of Bangladesh.
The Maharaja of Kashmir was reluctant to make
a decision on accession to either Pakistan or
India. However, armed incursions into the state
by tribesman from the NWFP led him to seek
military assistance from India. The Maharaja
signed accession papers in October 1947 and
allowed Indian troops into much of the state.
The Government of Pakistan, however, refused to
recognize the accession and campaigned to
reverse the decision. The status of Kashmir has
remained in dispute.
After Independence
With the death in 1948 of its first head of
state, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, and the
assassination in 1951 of its first prime
minister, Liaqat Ali Khan, political instability
and economic difficulty became prominent
features of post-independence Pakistan. On
October 7, 1958, President Iskander Mirza, with
the support of the army, suspended the 1956
Constitution, imposed martial law, and canceled
the elections scheduled for January 1959. Twenty
days later the military sent Mirza into exile in
Britain, and Gen. Mohammad Ayub Khan assumed
control of a military dictatorship. After
Pakistan's loss in the 1965 war against India,
Ayub Khan's power declined. Subsequent political
and economic grievances inspired agitation
movements that compelled his resignation in
March 1969. He handed over responsibility for
governing to the commander in chief of the army,
General Agha Mohammed Yahya Khan, who became
President and Chief Martial Law Administrator.
General elections held in December 1970
polarized relations between the eastern and
western sections of Pakistan. The Awami League,
which advocated autonomy for the more populous
East Pakistan, swept the East Pakistan seats to
gain a majority in Pakistan as a whole. The
Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), founded and led by
Ayub Khan's former Foreign Minister Zulfikar Ali
Bhutto, won a majority of the seats in West
Pakistan, but the country was completely split
with neither major party having any support in
the other area. Negotiations to form a coalition
government broke down, and a civil war ensued.
India attacked East Pakistan and captured Dhaka
in December 1971, when the eastern section
declared itself the independent nation of
Bangladesh. Yahya Khan then resigned the
presidency and handed over leadership of the
western part of Pakistan to Bhutto, who became
President and the first civilian Chief Martial
Law Administrator.
Bhutto moved decisively to restore national
confidence and pursued an active foreign policy,
taking a leading role in Islamic and Third World
forums. Although Pakistan did not formally join
the Non-Aligned Movement until 1979, the
position of the Bhutto government coincided
largely with that of the non-aligned nations.
Domestically, Bhutto pursued a populist agenda
and nationalized major industries and the
banking system. In 1973, he promulgated a new
Constitution accepted by most political elements
and relinquished the presidency to become prime
minister. Although Bhutto continued his populist
and socialist rhetoric, he increasingly relied
on Pakistan's urban industrialists and rural
landlords. Over time the economy stagnated,
largely as a result of the dislocation and
uncertainty produced by Bhutto's frequently
changing economic policies. When Bhutto
proclaimed his own victory in the March 1977
national elections, the opposition Pakistan
National Alliance (PNA) denounced the results as
fraudulent and demanded new elections. Bhutto
resisted and later arrested the PNA leadership.
1977-1985 Martial Law
With increasing anti-government unrest, the army
grew restive. On July 5, 1977, the military
removed Bhutto from power and arrested him,
declared martial law, and suspended portions of
the 1973 Constitution. Chief of Army Staff Gen.
Muhammad Zia ul-Haq became Chief Martial Law
Administrator and promised to hold new elections
within 3 months.
Zia released Bhutto and asserted that he
could contest new elections scheduled for
October 1977. However, after it became clear
that Bhutto's popularity had survived his
government, Zia postponed the elections and
began criminal investigations of the senior PPP
leadership. Subsequently, Bhutto was convicted
and sentenced to death for alleged conspiracy to
murder a political opponent. Despite
international appeals on his behalf, Bhutto was
hanged on April 6, 1979.
Zia assumed the presidency and called for
elections in November. However, fearful of a PPP
victory, Zia banned political activity in
October 1979, and postponed national elections.
In 1980, most center and left parties, led by
the PPP, formed the Movement for the Restoration
of Democracy (MRD). The MRD demanded Zia's
resignation, an end to martial law, new
elections, and restoration of the Constitution,
as it existed before Zia's takeover. In early
December 1984, President Zia proclaimed a
national referendum for December 19 on his "Islamization"
program. After non-party based polls were held
for the National and Provincial Assemblies in
1985, President Zia appointed Muhammad Khan
Junejo as the Prime Minister. He implicitly
linked approval of "Islamization" with a mandate
for his continued presidency. Zia's opponents,
led by the MRD, boycotted the elections. When
the government claimed a 63% turnout, with more
than 90% approving the referendum, many
observers questioned these figures.
On August 17, 1988, a plane carrying President
Zia, American Ambassador Arnold Raphael, U.S.
Brig. General Herbert Wassom, and 28 Pakistani
military officers crashed on a return flight
from a military equipment trial near Bahawalpur,
killing all on board. In accordance with the
Constitution, Chairman of the Senate Ghulam
Ishaq Khan became Acting President and announced
that elections scheduled for November 1988 would
take place. Elections were held on a party
basis. On one side was an eight-party alliance
and on the other, the PPP. The PPP won 94 seats
out of 207 and the Islamic Democratic Alliance
(IJI) won 54. Muhammad Khan Junejo lost from his
home constituency. The president was bound to
invite the PPP to from the government, but he
delayed doing so for two weeks in order to give
the IJI time to muster the support of other
groups. Ultimately, the president asked PPP
Co-chairperson Benazir Bhutto to form a
The PPP, under Benazir Bhutto's leadership,
succeeded in forming a coalition government with
several smaller parties, including the Muttahida
Qaumi Movement (MQM).
Differing interpretations of constitutional
authority, debates over the powers of the
central government relative to those of the
provinces, and the antagonistic relationship
between the Bhutto administration and opposition
governments in Punjab and Balochistan seriously
impeded social and economic reform programs.
Ethnic conflict, primarily in Sindh province,
exacerbated these problems. A fragmentation in
the governing coalition and the military's
reluctance to support an apparently ineffectual
and corrupt government were accompanied by a
significant deterioration in law and order.
In August 1990, President Khan, citing his
powers under the eighth amendment to the
Constitution, dismissed the Bhutto government
and dissolved the national and provincial
assemblies. New elections, held in October 1990,
confirmed the political ascendancy of the IJI.
In addition to a two-thirds majority in the
National Assembly, the alliance won control of
all four provincial parliaments and enjoyed the
support of the military and of President Khan.
Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, as leader of the PML, the
most prominent party in the IJI, was elected
prime minister by the National Assembly.
Sharif emerged as the most secure and
powerful Pakistani prime minister since the
mid-1970s. Under his rule, the IJI achieved
several important political victories. The
implementation of Sharif's economic reform
program, involving privatization, deregulation,
and encouragement of private sector economic
growth, greatly improved Pakistan's economic
performance and business climate. The passage
into law in May 1991 of a Shari'a bill,
providing for widespread Islamization,
legitimized the IJI government among much of
Pakistani society.
However, Nawaz Sharif was not able to
reconcile the different objectives of the IJI's
constituent parties. The largest religious
party, Jamaat-i-Islami (JI), abandoned the
alliance because of its antagonism to what it
regarded as PML hegemony. The regime was
weakened further by the military's suppression
of the MQM, which had entered into coalition
with the IJI to contain PPP influence, and
allegations of corruption directed at Nawaz
Sharif. In April 1993, President Khan, citing
"maladministration, corruption, and nepotism"
and espousal of political violence, dismissed
the Sharif government, but the following month
the Pakistan Supreme Court reinstated the
National Assembly and the Nawaz Sharif
government. Continued tensions between Sharif
and Khan resulted in governmental gridlock and
the Chief of Army Staff brokered an arrangement
under which both the President and the Prime
Minister resigned their offices in July 1993.
An interim government, headed by Moeen
Qureshi, a former World Bank Vice President,
took office with a mandate to hold national and
provincial assembly elections in October.
Despite its brief term, the Qureshi government
adopted political, economic, and social reforms
that generated considerable domestic support and
foreign admiration.
In the October 1993 elections, the PPP won a
plurality of seats in the National Assembly, and
Benazir Bhutto was asked to form a government.
However, because it did not acquire a majority
in the National Assembly, the PPP's control of
the government depended upon the continued
support of numerous independent parties,
particularly the PML/J (Pakistan Muslim
League-Junejo). The unfavorable circumstances
surrounding PPP rule--the imperative of
preserving a coalition government, the
formidable opposition of Nawaz Sharif's PML/N
(Pakistani Muslim League-Nawaz) movement, and
the insecure provincial
administrations--presented significant
difficulties for the government of Prime
Minister Bhutto. However, the election of Prime
Minister Bhutto's close associate, Farooq
Leghari, as President in November 1993 gave her
a stronger power base.
In November 1996, President Leghari dismissed
the Bhutto government, charging it with
corruption, mismanagement of the economy, and
implication in extrajudicial killings in
Karachi. Elections in February 1997, resulted in
an overwhelming victory for the PML/N, and
President Leghari called upon Nawaz Sharif to
form a government. In March 1997, with the
unanimous support of the National Assembly,
Sharif amended the Constitution, stripping the
President of the power to dismiss the government
and making his power to appoint military service
chiefs and provincial governors contingent on
the "advice" of the Prime Minister. Another
amendment prohibited elected members from "floor
crossing" or voting against party positions. The
Sharif government engaged in a protracted
dispute with the judiciary, culminating in the
storming of the Supreme Court by ruling party
loyalists and the engineered dismissal of the
Chief Justice and the resignation of President
Leghari in December 1997.
The new President elected by Parliament,
Rafiq Tarar, was a close associate of the Prime
Minister. A one-sided, anti-corruption campaign
was used to target opposition politicians and
critics of the regime. Similarly, the government
moved to restrict press criticism and ordered
the arrest and beating of prominent journalists.
As domestic criticism of Sharif's administration
intensified, Sharif attempted to replace Chief
of Army Staff General Pervez Musharraf on
October 12, 1999, with a family loyalist,
Director General of the Interservice
Intelligence Directorate, Lt. Gen. Ziauddin.
Although General Musharraf was out of the
country at the time, the army moved quickly to
depose Sharif.
Following the October 12 ouster of the
government of Prime Minister Sharif, the
military-led government stated its intention to
restructure the political and electoral systems.
On October 14, 1999, General Musharraf declared
a state of emergency and issued the Provisional
Constitutional Order (PCO), which suspended the
federal and provincial Parliaments, held the
Constitution in abeyance, and designated
Musharraf as Chief Executive. Musharraf
appointed an eight-member National Security
Council to function as Pakistan's supreme
governing body, with mixed military/civilian
appointees; a civilian Cabinet; and a National
Reconstruction Bureau to formulate structural
reforms. On May 12, 2000, Pakistan's Supreme
Court unanimously validated the October 1999
coup and granted Musharraf executive and
legislative authority for 3 years from the coup
date. On June 20, 2001, Musharraf named himself
as president and was sworn in.
After the World Trade Center and the Pentagon
were attacked on September 11, 2001, Musharraf
pledged complete cooperation with the United
States in its war on terror, which included
locating and shutting down terrorist training
camps within its borders, cracking down on
extremist groups and withdrawing support for the
Taliban regime in Afghanistan. In a referendum
held on April 30, 2002, Musharraf's presidency
was extended by five more years. The handover
from military to civilian rule came with
parliamentary elections in November 2002, and
the appointment of a civilian prime minister,
Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali. Having previously
promised to give up his army post and become a
civilian president, General Musharraf announced
in late 2004 that he would retain his military
role. In August 2004, Shaukat Aziz was sworn in
as prime minister, having won a parliamentary
vote of confidence, 191 of 342 votes, in which
the opposition abstained.
On October 8, 2005 a magnitude 7.6 earthquake
struck Pakistan, India, and Afghanistan. The
epicenter of the earthquake was near
Muzaffarabad, the capital of
Pakistani-administered Kashmir, and
approximately 60 miles north-northeast of
Islamabad. An estimated 75,000 people were
killed and 2.5 million people were left
homeless. The disaster of such a huge magnitude
galvanized an international rescue and
reconstruction effort in support of the affected
Pervez Musharraf has been chief of state
since June 20, 2001. A prolonged confrontation
over authority between Parliament and the
President ended in December 2002 with a
compromise which permitted passage of the Legal
Framework Order (LFO) of 2002, under the terms
of which President Musharraf made his pledge to
resign his military position as
Commander-in-Chief in late 2004. In 2004 General
Musharraf announced that he would retain his
military role.
The Pakistan Constitution of 1973, amended
substantially in 1985 under Zia ul-Haq, was
suspended by the military government in October
1999. It was restored on December 31, 2002.
Selected provisions of the Constitution
pertaining to changes that President Musharraf
made while the Constitution was suspended remain
contested by political opponents.
The president is chosen for a five-year term
by an electoral college consisting of the
Senate, National Assembly, and the provincial
assemblies. The prime minister is selected by
the National Assembly for a four-year term. The
bicameral parliament--or
Majlis-e-Shoora--consists of the Senate (100
seats; members are indirectly elected by
provincial assemblies to serve four-year terms)
and the National Assembly (342 seats; 60 seats
reserved for women, 10 seats reserved for
minorities; members elected by popular vote
serve four-year terms). Each of the four
provinces--Punjab, Sindh, Northwest Frontier,
and Balochistan--has a Chief Minister and
provincial assembly. The Northern Areas, Azad
Kashmir and the Federally Administered Tribal
Areas (FATA) are administered by the federal
government but enjoy considerable autonomy. The
cabinet, National Security Council, and
governors serve at the president's discretion.
The judicial system comprises a Supreme
Court, provincial high courts, and Federal
Islamic (or Shari'a) Court. The Supreme Court is
Pakistan's highest court. The president appoints
the chief justice and they together determine
the other judicial appointments. Each province
has a high court, the justices of which are
appointed by the president after conferring with
the chief justice of the Supreme Court and the
provincial chief justice. The judiciary is
proscribed from issuing any order contrary to
the decisions of the President. Federal Sharia
Court hears cases that primarily involve Sharia,
or Islamic law. Legislation enacted in 1991 gave
legal status to Sharia. Although Sharia was
declared the law of the land, it did not replace
the existing legal code.
The Pakistan Muslim League (PML), Pakistan
People's Party (PPP), and Pakistan Muslim League
- Nawaz (PML-N) are national political parties,
while the Muttahid Majlis-e-Amal (MMA)--an
umbrella group of six religious parties,
including the Jamaat-il-Islami--gained
significant influence during the 2002 election.
After those elections, the Pakistani political
system remained highly fragmented, with no group
winning a substantial majority of seats in the
national assembly, and religious groups banding
together in the MMA to earn a significant
portion of seats for the first time.
According to the constitution, Pakistan is a
federation of four provinces: Baluchistan, the
North-West Frontier Province (NWFP), Punjab, and
Sindh. Governors appointed by the president head
the provinces. There is also the Federally
Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), and the
Islamabad Capital Territory, which consists of
the capital city of Islamabad. These areas and
territory are under the jurisdiction of the
federal government. The Northern Areas are
administered as a de facto "Union Territory" and
are treated as an integral part of Pakistan. The
Pakistani-administered portion of the disputed
Jammu and Kashmir region includes Azad Kashmir,
a separate and autonomous government that
maintains strong ties to Pakistan.
Principal Government Officials
President--Pervez Musharraf
Prime Minister (head of government)--Shaukat
Minister of Foreign Affairs--Khurshid Kasuri
Ambassador to the U.S.--Jehangir Karamat
Ambassador to the UN--Munir Akram
Pakistan maintains an
embassy in the United States at 3517
International Court NW, Washington, DC 20008
(tel. 202-243-6500). It has consulates in Los
Angeles, New York, Chicago and Houston.
Pakistan has the world's eighth-largest armed
forces, which is generally well trained and
disciplined. However, budget constraints and
nation-building duties have reduced Pakistan's
training tempo, which if not reversed, could
affect the operational readiness of the armed
forces. Likewise, Pakistan has had an
increasingly difficult time maintaining their
aging fleet of U.S., Chinese, U.K., and French
equipment. While industrial capabilities have
expanded significantly, limited budget resources
and sanctions have significantly constrained the
government's efforts to modernize its armed
Until 1990, the United States provided
military aid to Pakistan to modernize its
conventional defensive capability. The United
States allocated about 40% of its assistance
package to non-reimbursable credits for military
purchases, the third-largest program behind
Israel and Egypt. The remainder of the aid
program was devoted to economic assistance.
Sanctions put in place in 1990 denied Pakistan
further military assistance due to the discovery
of its program to develop nuclear weapons.
Sanctions were tightened following Pakistan's
nuclear tests in response to India's May 1998
tests and the military coup of 1999. Pakistan
has remained a non-signatory of the Nuclear
non-Proliferation Treaty. The events of
September 11, 2001, and Pakistan's agreement to
support the United States led to a waiving of
the sanctions, and military assistance resumed
to provide spare parts and equipment to enhance
Pakistan's capacity to police its western border
and address its legitimate security concerns. In
2003, President Bush announced that the United
States would provide Pakistan with $3 billion in
economic and military aid over 5 years. This
assistance package commenced during FY 2005.
With a per capita GDP of about PPP $2,200, the
World Bank considers Pakistan a low-income
country. No more than 45.7% of adults are
literate, and life expectancy is about 63 years.
The population, currently about 162.4 million,
is growing at 2.0% annually.
In 2000, the government made significant
macroeconomic reforms. Privatizing Pakistan's
state-subsidized utilities, instituting a
world-class anti-money laundering law, cracking
down on piracy of intellectual property, and
quickly resolving investor disputes would aid
Pakistan's efforts to improve its investment
climate. After September 11, 2001, and
Pakistan's proclaimed commitment to fighting
terror, many international sanctions,
particularly those imposed by the United States,
were lifted. Pakistan's economic prospects began
to increase significantly due to unprecedented
inflows of foreign assistance at the end of
2001. This trend is expected to continue through
2009. Foreign exchange reserves and exports grew
to record levels after a sharp decline. The
International Monetary Fund recently lauded
Pakistan for its commitment in meeting lender
requirements for a $1.3 billion IMF Poverty
Reduction and Growth Facility loan, which it
completed in 2004, forgoing the final permitted
tranche. The Government of Pakistan has been
successful in issuing sovereign bonds, and has
issued $600 million in Islamic bonds, putting
Pakistan back on the investment map. Pakistan's
search for additional foreign direct investment
has been hampered by concerns about the security
situation, domestic and regional political
uncertainties, and questions about judicial
U.S. assistance has played a key role in
moving Pakistan's economy from the brink of
collapse to setting record high levels of
foreign reserves and exports, dramatically
lowering levels of solid debt. This encouraged a
6.1% GDP growth in fiscal year 2003-2004 and a
reported GDP increase of over 8% in fiscal year
2004-2005. In 2002, the United States led Paris
Club efforts to reschedule Pakistan's debt on
generous terms, and in April 2003 the United
States reduced Pakistan's bilateral official
debt by $1 billion. In 2004, approximately $500
million more in bilateral debt was granted. In
the second half of 2004 and first half of 2005
inflation has been a concern, rising above the
historic lows for inflation in 2004.
Low levels of spending in the social services
and high population growth have contributed to
persistent poverty and unequal income
distribution. The trends of resources being
devoted to socioeconomic development and
infrastructure projects have been improving
since 2002, although expenditures remain below
global averages. Pakistan's extreme poverty and
underdevelopment are key concerns. The
government has reined in the fiscal
mismanagement that produced massive foreign
debt, and officials have committed to using
international assistance--including a major part
of the $3 billion five-year U.S. assistance
package--to address Pakistan's long-term needs
in the health and education sectors.
The government started pursuing market-based
economic reform policies in the early 1980s.
These reforms began to take hold in 1988, when
the government launched an ambitious
IMF-assisted structural adjustment program in
response to chronic and unsustainable fiscal and
external account deficits. The government began
to remove barriers to foreign trade and
investment, reform the financial system, ease
foreign exchange controls, and privatize dozens
of state-owned enterprises.
Although the economy became more structurally
sound, it remained vulnerable to external and
internal shocks, such as in 1992-93, when
devastating floods and political uncertainty
combined to depress economic growth sharply. The
Asian financial crisis seriously affected
Pakistan's major markets for its textile
exports. During the 1980s and early 1990s, the
economy averaged a growth rate of 6% per year,
but afterwards growth dwindled until 2002. For
example, average real GDP growth from 1992 to
1998 dipped to 4.1% annually. Economic reform
also was set back by Pakistan's nuclear tests in
May 1998, and the subsequent economic sanctions
imposed by the G-7. International default was
narrowly averted by the partial waiver of
sanctions and the subsequent reinstatement of
Pakistan's IMF enhanced structural adjustment
facility/extended fund facility in early 1999,
followed by Paris Club and London Club
re-scheduling. After taking power in late 1999,
President Musharraf instituted policies to
stabilize Pakistan's macroeconomic situation.
Pakistan continues to struggle with these
reforms, having mixed success, especially in
reducing its budget and current account
The Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) enjoyed
strong growth from 2003 to early 2005, before
undergoing a market correction of close to 20%
of market capitalization in early 2005. KSE’s
market capitalization rebounded to all time
highs in mid-2005. Regulations have been
implemented targeted at the speculative
margins-purchasing that was blamed for
volatility in early 2005.
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Pakistan's principal natural resources are
arable land, water, hydroelectric potential, and
natural gas reserves. About 28% of Pakistan's
total land area is under cultivation and is
watered by one of the largest irrigation systems
in the world. Agriculture accounts for about 23%
of GDP and employs about 42% of the labor force.
The most important crops are cotton, wheat,
rice, sugarcane, fruits, and vegetables, which
together account for more than 75% of the value
of total crop output. Despite intensive farming
practices, Pakistan remains a net food importer.
Pakistan exports rice, fish, fruits, and
vegetables and imports vegetable oil, wheat,
cotton (net importer), pulses, and consumer
The economic importance of agriculture has
declined since independence, when its share of
GDP was around 53%. Following the poor harvest
of 1993, the government introduced agriculture
assistance policies, including increased support
prices for many agricultural commodities and
expanded availability of agricultural credit.
From 1993 to 1997, real growth in the
agricultural sector averaged 5.7% but has since
declined to less than 3%. Agricultural reforms,
including increased wheat and oilseed
production, play a central role in the
government's economic reform package. Heavy
rains in 2005 provided the benefit of larger
than average cotton, wheat, and rice crops, but
also caused damage due to flooding and
Pakistan has extensive energy resources,
including fairly sizable natural gas reserves,
some proven oil reserves, coal, and large
hydropower potential. However, exploitation of
energy resources has been slow due to a shortage
of capital and domestic and international
political constraints. For instance, domestic
gas and petroleum production totals only about
half the country's energy needs, and dependence
on imported oil contributes to Pakistan's
persistent trade deficits and shortage of
foreign exchange. The government announced that
privatization in the oil and gas sector is a
Pakistan's manufacturing sector accounts for
about 24% of GDP. Cotton textile production and
apparel manufacturing are Pakistan's largest
industries, accounting for about 70% of total
exports. Other major industries include food
processing, beverages, construction materials,
clothing, paper products, and shrimp. As
technology improves in the industrial sector, it
continues to grow. In 2001, the industrial
production growth rate was 7%. Despite
government efforts to privatize large-scale
parastatal units, the public sector continues to
account for a significant proportion of
industry. In the face of an increasing trade
deficit, the government seeks to diversify the
country's industrial base and bolster export
industries. Net foreign investment in Pakistani
industries is only 0.5% of GDP.
Foreign Trade and Aid
Weak world demand for its exports and domestic
political uncertainty have contributed to
Pakistan's high trade deficit. In 2004, growth
rebounded to approximately 6% with substantial
improvement in public and external debt
indicators and foreign reserves at an all-time
high of $12.3 billion. Pakistan's exports
continue to be dominated by cotton textiles and
apparel, despite government diversification
efforts. Major imports include petroleum and
petroleum products, edible oil, wheat,
chemicals, fertilizer, capital goods, industrial
raw materials, and consumer products. External
imbalance has left Pakistan with a growing
foreign debt burden. The fiscal imbalance is
reflected in a high level of total net public
debt, which reached an estimated 92.6% of GDP in
2000-01, more than half involving external
liabilities, but decreased to 72.7% in 2003. The
fiscal deficit widened from 5.6% of GDP in
1994-95 to 7.7% in 1997-98 before declining to
5.3% in 2000-01. This was close to the 5.2%
target under the Pakistan Comprehensive Revival
Program, which called for the implementation of
a privatization program, further trade
liberalization, and steps to strengthen the tax
base and improve governance. Support for
loss-making, state-owned enterprises and a weak
domestic tax base are critical elements in the
recurring fiscal deficits. These, in turn,
impair the government's capacity to undertake
essential expenditures--including poverty
alleviation, health, education, and
infrastructure--thus hampering economic growth
and development. The Pakistan Telecommunications
Company Ltd. (PTCL) represents the largest of
Pakistan’s privatization programs for 2005.
Despite its economic and political difficulties,
Pakistan has taken steps to liberalize its trade
and investment regimes, either unilaterally or
in the context of commitments made with the
World Trade Organization (WTO), IMF, and the
World Bank. Over the past two years, efforts in
several crucial areas have seemingly
intensified, resulting in Pakistan becoming a
more open and secure market for its trading
Pakistan has received significant loan/grant
assistance from international financial
institutions (e.g., the IMF, the World Bank, and
the Asian Development Bank) and bilateral
donors, particularly after it began using its
military/financial resources in the war on
terror. The United States recently pledged $3
billion for FY 2005 to FY 2009 in economic and
military aid to Pakistan. In addition, the IMF
and World Bank have pledged $1 billion in loans
to Pakistan. In 2004 to 2007 alone, the World
Bank has pledged over $500 million in investment
After September 11, 2001, Pakistan's prominence
in the international community increased
significantly, as it pledged its alliance with
the U.S. in the war on terror and made a
commitment to eliminate terrorist camps on its
territory. Historically, Pakistan has had
difficult and volatile relations with India,
long-standing close relations with China,
extensive security and economic interests in the
Persian Gulf, and wide-ranging bilateral
relations with the United States and other
Western countries. It expresses a strong desire
for a stable Afghanistan.
Since partition, relations between Pakistan and
India have been characterized by rivalry and
suspicion. Although many issues divide the two
countries, the most sensitive one since
independence has been the status of Kashmir.
At the time of partition, the princely state
of Kashmir, though ruled by a Hindu Maharajah,
had an overwhelmingly Muslim population. When
the Maharajah hesitated in acceding to either
Pakistan or India in 1947, some of his Muslim
subjects, aided by tribesmen from Pakistan,
revolted in favor of joining Pakistan. In
exchange for military assistance in containing
the revolt, the Kashmiri ruler offered his
allegiance to India. Indian troops occupied the
eastern portion of Kashmir, including its
capital, Srinagar, while the western part came
under Pakistani control.
India addressed this dispute in the United
Nations on January 1, 1948. One year later, the
UN arranged a cease-fire along a line dividing
Kashmir but leaving the northern end of the line
undemarcated and the Vale of Kashmir (with the
majority of the population) under Indian
control. India and Pakistan agreed with Indian
resolutions that called for an UN-supervised
plebiscite to determine the state's future.
Full-scale hostilities erupted in September
1965, when India alleged that insurgents trained
and supplied by Pakistan were operating in
India-controlled Kashmir. Hostilities ceased 3
weeks later, following mediation efforts by the
UN and interested countries. In January 1966,
Indian and Pakistani representatives met in
Tashkent, U.S.S.R., and agreed to attempt a
peaceful settlement of Kashmir and their other
Following the 1971 Indo-Pakistan conflict,
President Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Indian Prime
Minister Indira Gandhi met in the hill station
of Shimla, India, in July 1972. They agreed to a
line of control in Kashmir resulting from the
December 17, 1971, cease-fire, and endorsed the
principle of settlement of bilateral disputes
through peaceful means. In 1974, Pakistan and
India agreed to resume postal and
telecommunications linkages and to enact
measures to facilitate travel. Trade and
diplomatic relations were restored in 1976 after
a hiatus of 5 years.
India's nuclear test in 1974 generated great
uncertainty in Pakistan and is generally
acknowledged to have been the impetus for
Pakistan's nuclear weapons development program.
In 1983, the Pakistani and Indian Governments
accused each other of aiding separatists in
their respective countries -- Sikhs in India's
Punjab state and Sindhis in Pakistan's Sindh
province. In April 1984, tensions erupted after
troops were deployed to the Siachen Glacier, a
high-altitude, desolate area close to the China
border left undemarcated by the cease-fire
agreement (Karachi Agreement) signed by Pakistan
and India in 1949.
Tensions diminished after Rajiv Gandhi became
Prime Minister in November 1984 and after a
group of Sikh hijackers was brought to trial by
Pakistan in March 1985. In December 1985,
President Zia and Prime Minister Gandhi pledged
not to attack each other's nuclear facilities.
(A formal "no attack" agreement was signed in
January 1991.) In early 1986, the Indian and
Pakistani Governments began high-level talks to
resolve the Siachen Glacier border dispute and
to improve trade.
Bilateral tensions increased in early 1990,
when Kashmiri militants began a campaign of
violence against Indian Government authority in
Jammu and Kashmir. Subsequent high-level
bilateral meetings relieved the tensions between
India and Pakistan, but relations worsened again
after the destruction of the Ayodhya Mosque by
Hindu extremists in December 1992 and terrorist
bombings in Bombay in March 1993. Talks between
the Foreign Secretaries of both countries in
January 1994 ended in deadlock.
More recently, the Indo-Pakistani
relationship has veered sharply between
rapprochement and conflict. After taking office
in February 1997, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif
moved to resume official dialog with India. A
number of meetings at the foreign secretary and
prime ministerial level took place, with
positive atmospherics but little concrete
progress. The relationship improved markedly
when Indian Prime Minister Vajpayee traveled to
Lahore for a summit with Sharif in February
1999. There was considerable hope that the
meeting could lead to a breakthrough.
In spring 1999, infiltrators from Pakistan
occupied positions on the Indian side of the
Line of Control in the remote, mountainous area
of Kashmir near Kargil, threatening the ability
of India to supply its forces on Siachen
Glacier. By early summer, serious fighting
flared in the Kargil sector. The infiltrators
withdrew following a meeting between Prime
Minister Sharif and President Clinton in July.
Relations between India and Pakistan were
particularly strained during the 1999 coup in
Islamabad. Then, just weeks after the September
11, 2001, attack on the United States, an attack
on India's Parliament on December 13 further
strained this relationship.
The prospects for better relations between
India and Pakistan improved in early January
2004 when a summit meeting of the South Asian
Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
permitted India’s Prime Minister Vajpayee to
meet with President Musharraf. They improved
when President Musharraf met with India’s Prime
Minister, Manmohan Singh, for a meeting in New
York in October 2004. Announcements of
additional steps aimed at improving relations
occurred when Indian Foreign Minister Singh
visited Islamabad in February 2005 and in April
2005 when President Musharraf traveled to India
to view a cricket match and hold discussions. In
the wake of the October 2005 earthquake-created
humanitarian disaster the two countries
continued their cooperative measures.
Following the 1979 Soviet invasion of
Afghanistan, the Pakistani Government played a
vital role in supporting the Afghan resistance
movement and assisting Afghan refugees. After
the Soviet withdrawal in February 1989,
Pakistan, with cooperation from the world
community, continued to provide extensive
support for displaced Afghans. Continued turmoil
in Afghanistan prevented the refugees from
returning to their country. In 1999, more than
1.2 million registered Afghan refugees remained
in Pakistan. Pakistan was one of three countries
to recognize the Taliban regime of Afghanistan.
International pressure after September 11, 2001,
prompted Pakistan to reassess its relations with
the Taliban regime and support the U.S. and
international coalition in Operation Enduring
Freedom to remove the Taliban from power.
Pakistan has publicly expressed its support to
Afghanistan's President Karzai and has pledged
$100 million toward Afghanistan's
People's Republic of China
In 1950, Pakistan was among the first countries
to recognize the People's Republic of China
(PRC). Following the Sino-Indian hostilities of
1962, Pakistan's relations with China became
stronger; since then, the countries have
regularly exchanged high-level visits resulting
in various agreements. China has provided
economic, military, and technical assistance to
Pakistan. Favorable relations with China have
been a pillar of Pakistan's foreign policy. The
PRC strongly supported Pakistan's opposition to
Soviet involvement in Afghanistan and is
perceived by Pakistan as a regional
counterweight to India and Russia.
Iran and the Persian Gulf
Historically, Pakistan has had close
geopolitical and cultural-religious linkages
with Iran. However, strains in the relationship
appeared following the Iranian revolution.
Pakistan and Iran supported different factions
in the Afghan conflict. Also, some Pakistanis
suspect Iranian government support for the
sectarian violence that has plagued Pakistan.
However, relations between the countries have
improved since their policies toward Afghanistan
have converged with the fall of the Taliban.
Both countries contend that they are on the road
to strong and lasting friendly relations.
Pakistan historically has provided military
personnel to strengthen Gulf-state defenses and
to reinforce its own security interests in the
The United States and Pakistan established
diplomatic relations in 1947. The U.S. agreement
to provide economic and military assistance to
Pakistan and the latter's partnership in the
Baghdad Pact/CENTO and SEATO strengthened
relations between the nations. However, the U.S.
suspension of military assistance during the
1965 Indo-Pakistan war generated a widespread
feeling in Pakistan that the United States was
not a reliable ally. Even though the United
States suspended military assistance to both
countries involved in the conflict, the
suspension of aid affected Pakistan much more
severely. Gradually, relations improved, and
arms sales were renewed in 1975. Then, in April
1979, the United States cut off economic
assistance to Pakistan, except food assistance,
as required under the Symington Amendment to the
Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, due to concerns
about Pakistan's nuclear program.
The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in
December 1979 highlighted the common interest of
Pakistan and the United States in peace and
stability in South Asia. In 1981, the United
States and Pakistan agreed on a $3.2 billion
military and economic assistance program aimed
at helping Pakistan deal with the heightened
threat to security in the region and its
economic development needs.
Recognizing national security concerns and
accepting Pakistan's assurances that it did not
intend to construct a nuclear weapon, Congress
waived restrictions (Symington Amendment) on
military assistance to Pakistan. In March 1986,
the two countries agreed on a second multi-year
(FY 1988-93) $4 billion economic development and
security assistance program. On October 1, 1990,
however, the United States suspended all
military assistance and new economic aid to
Pakistan under the Pressler Amendment, which
required that the President certify annually
that Pakistan "does not possess a nuclear
explosive device."
Several incidents of violence against
American officials and U.S. mission employees in
Pakistan have marred the relationship. In
November 1979, false rumors that the United
States had participated in the seizure of the
Grand Mosque in Mecca provoked a mob attack on
the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad in which the
chancery was set on fire resulting and American
and Pakistani staff were killed. In 1989, an
attack on the American Center in Islamabad,
resulted in six Pakistanis being killed in
crossfire with the police. In March 1995, two
American employees of the consulate in Karachi
were killed and one wounded in an attack on the
home-to-office shuttle. In November 1997, four
U.S. businessmen were brutally murdered while
being driven to work in Karachi. In March 2002 a
suicide attacker detonated explosives in a
church in Islamabad, killing two Americans
associated with the Embassy and three others.
There also were unsuccessful attacks by
terrorists on the Consulate General in Karachi
in May 2002.
The decision by India to conduct nuclear
tests in May 1998 and Pakistan's matching
response set back U.S. relations in the region,
which had seen renewed U.S. Government interest
during the second Clinton Administration. A
presidential visit scheduled for the first
quarter of 1998 was postponed and, under the
Glenn Amendment, sanctions restricted the
provision of credits, military sales, economic
assistance, and loans to the government. The
October 1999 overthrow of the democratically
elected Sharif government triggered an
additional layer of sanctions under Section 508
of the Foreign Appropriations Act, which include
restrictions on foreign military financing and
economic assistance. U.S. Government assistance
to Pakistan was subsequently limited mainly to
refugee and counter-narcotics assistance.
The U.S.-Pakistan relationship changed
significantly once Pakistan agreed to support
the U.S. campaign to eliminate the Taliban in
Afghanistan and to join with the United States
in the Global War on Terror. Since September
2001, Pakistan has provided extensive assistance
in the war on terror by capturing more than 600
al-Qaida members and their allies. The United
States has stepped up its economic assistance to
Pakistan, providing debt relief and support for
a major effort at education reform. During
President Musharraf's visit to the United States
in 2003, President Bush announced that the
United States would provide Pakistan with $3
billion in economic and military aid over 5
years. This assistance package commenced during
FY 2005.
Following the region’s tragic October 8, 2005
earthquake, the United States responded
immediately and generously to Pakistan’s call
for assistance. The response was consistent with
U.S. humanitarian values and our deep commitment
to Pakistan. At the subsequent Reconstruction
Conference in Islamabad on November 19, 2005,
the U.S. announced a $510 million commitment to
Pakistan for earthquake relief and
reconstruction, including humanitarian
assistance, military support for relief
operations, and anticipated U.S. private
Principal U.S. Embassy Officials
Deputy Chief of Mission--Patricia A. Butenis
Counselor for Political Affairs--Tim Wilder
Counselor for Economic Affairs--Andrew Quinn
Counselor for Public Affairs--Peter J. Kovach
Consul General--Zandra Flemister
Defense Attaché--Col. Mark Boettcher
Consul General, Karachi--Mary H. Witt
Principal Officer, Lahore--Brian Heath
Principal Officer, Peshawar--Michael A. Spangler